Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No need to rezone Atlantic Yards

Bruce Ratner's controversial Atlantic Yards project is a state project. The State of NY can, by law, supercede all local zoning, as they are doing in this case.

That's how Ratner can get away with building an arena just steps away from a three-story clapboard house, According to the Atlantic Yards Draft Environmental Impact Statement, "the New York City Zoning Resolution prohibits arenas within 200 feet of residential districts as some of the operations could be incompatible with districts limited primarily to residential use."

WHO KNEW: No rezoning for Atlantic Yards

Wow, now there's something I didn't realize. If Bloomberg becomes governor (God help us), he'll probably make every project a state project to easier cram 1 million people into NYC by 2030.


Anonymous said...

They did the same with LIC that brought in all that yuppie scum that now thinks they know whats best for us.

Umm .... dont we have representatives at the state level? I know the local kiddies are doing important things like passing street name legislation, but don't we have some adults up at Albany?

Anonymous said...

Maybe her highness Bloomberg
will get caught ordering in a male hustler !

That'll be worse that the Guv's current problem!

Anonymous said...

I like the pic of Gov. Spitzer!

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