Sunday, March 2, 2008

Marge will have an opponent

Maspeth business owner and activist Tony Nunziato announced last week that he will be running against incumbent Assemblywoman Marge Markey who has never had an opponent and who has been in office since 1999. Let's review his qualifications:

Vice President of the Maspeth Chamber of Commerce
Executive board member of the Juniper Park Civic Association
Member of CB5 for 10 years, chair of environmental committee
Co-founder of the Newtown Historical Society
At the forefront of issues such as the Elmhurst Gas Tank park fight, Cross Harbor Tunnel fight, getting trucks off of Grand Avenue, preserving St. Saviour's Church and a community representative for the Kosciuszko Bridge project.

Marge Markey's qualifications:
Wife of a clubhouse judge, Director of Marketing & Tourism under Claire Shulman


Anonymous said...

How refreshing. Someone who truly cares about the community and shows up to fight for it. Has anyone seen Marge in public?

Anonymous said...

Marge Markey of Maspeth.
(sort of like a tongue twister.)

Anonymous said...

Welcome Tony - Kick Margy out - she and Crowley were asleep at the wheel when Stop and Crap pushed up overnight. Crowley made believe he did not now. Margy was still trying to find where Elmhurst and Maspeth were - she still didn't find our towns yet!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a Marge Markey?

Anonymous said...

Sweet! With Peter Koo in Flushing and Tony Nunziato in Maspeth, political dynasties are facing a revolt across the borough! The urban elephants are back.

Anonymous said...

Marge Markey is pathetic. Maspeth deserves a real leader and not an inarticulate and lazy political hack. Go get her Tony!

Anonymous said...

Nunzi is a close-minded little creep. A reactionary at best who will go down in defeat just like Frank Borzellieri.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know that there is a God and he is good. Finally, someone who actually cares and is passionate about our community. I and many others in this town will bend over backwards to give support to Mr. Nunziato. It's time for a change. Marge had her turn and did nothing for this community. Let's back Tony and see new and refreshing changes for our community.

Anonymous said...

It's time for Marge to go. She's been around way too long. Put someone in that position who will actually work to decrease truck traffic, noise and pollution. We need someone who cares about Maspeth, not about their political standing.

Anonymous said...

Finally, honesty in government -- What a Concept! Run Tony Run!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tony has already done more to fight for his community in his own time than Markey or any of our other well paid political hacks.

I've met Tony in his store -he's a very personable guy. I think he'd keep listening to the people and not forget about us once in office.

Tony has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Go Tony!

Tony is definitely a great guy and I wish him luck.

Anonymous said...

would be neat if he carried a knife about with him when elected to office, too, so if any developers got out of hand...

Anonymous said...

Is he running in the primary or is he running as a Republican?

Queens Crapper said...

He is running as a Republican

Anonymous said...

one in the cross hairs, 50 to go.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Nunzi is a close-minded little creep. A reactionary at best who will go down in defeat just like Frank Borzellieri."

What's your proof Sanchez?

Anonymous said...

The only guy that could spell Borzellieri would be Walter "Lien on Me" Sanchez. Borzellieri worked as a columnist on the Queens Ledger for several years.

But then again Sanchez can't spell. So I suspect the pink rapist is blogging here. He's the guy that hired private detectives to dig up dirt on Borzellieri who ran aganst his boss, Tom Ognibenie.

Anonymous said...

Where did Nunziato go to school?

Anonymous said...

Now, now, now......
Marge "malarchy"is very well suited to her job
and has proven to be very adept
at kissing the Queens clubhouse members asses.

She's helped to deliver Maspeth
into the clutches of greedy developers
who in turn are intent on gobbling up
our neighborhood and destroying its history!

This hack
has been around since the old Shulman days
and keeps on recirculating like a stagnant liquid
through the political patronage system.


Vote for Tony Nunziato who is
a true son of Maspeth and has our
welfare in his heart.....
and not his hands in our pockets.

Marge Markey has fed off the public trough
for too damn long.
It's time for us voters too pull her snout
out of the feed bag!

Anonymous said...

Peter Koo ain't gonna make it in Flushing.
I'll bet my meager fortune on it.

And please don't mention Tony Nunziato
in the same breath as Peter Koo.

Tony really cares
and he will represent ALL OF THE PEOPLE
not just the special interests.

Koo, on the other hand,
is just an opportunistic power seeker
who wishes to promote the interests
of one particular group .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Pinky,

He who laughs last laughs best.

Anonymous said...

Tony Nunziato is a nobody and Bob Holden/JPCA lackey.

The fact is Marge has been involved with a good deal of legislation and has delivered bog bucks to the Community.

Tony will just be another GOP blow hard like the JPCA's former poster boy and man of the year Dennis Gallagher.

Great, the GOP wants to send an idiot to Albany to go along with the pervert pervert who sits on the city council.

Guess GOP stands for Geeks, Oddballs and Perverts....

Mr Mojo Risin...

Anonymous said...

Marge Markey is a nobody and Ken Rudzewick/Maspeth Federal Savings lackey.

The fact is Marge has been involved with nothing more than Mad Cow Disease legislation and has voted down the commuter tax which robbed her district of millions of dollars.

Marge is a do nothing and shows up at no community events, where Tony fights for his community.

Great, the party of the jackass wants to send an idiot to Albany to go along with the pervert who sits on the city council.

Guess DNC stands for Dicks, No-shows and Charletans....

Mrs. Mojo Risin...

Anonymous said...

Markey is a Sheldon Silver stooge. Thanks for voting against the commuter tax, asshole.

Anonymous said...

where does tony middle village...

We know his business is here - but where is his home????

oh yeah keep.. God out of this, because if there really was a God he would be extremely dissapointed in all of you... TSk TSK TSk

Anonymous said...

He lives in Maspeth blocks away from his flower shop.

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