Wednesday, March 19, 2008

LPC ruins developer's sex life

S.I. developer accuses city officials of ruining him financially, sexually

Call it no sex in the city Landmarks Preservation Commission.

Staten Island developer John Grossi is accusing city officials of ruining him not only financially but in the bedroom as well.

Grossi bought the 19th century Bedell House in 2005 with plans to raze the dilapidated structure and build townhouses.

Then Mayor Bloomberg fast-tracked landmark designation of the site in Tottenville, S.I., in response to concerns from local preservationists.

Now, Grossi complains he's stuck with a money pit he can't sell - and his sex life is the pits, too, his lawyers say in a suit filed in Brooklyn Federal Court.

"Defendants have caused Grossi to be emotionally and physically drained and stressed, as to stop him from fulfilling his husbandly duties," the suit says.

"Defendants' conduct continues to prevent [Grossi and wife, Lori] from cohabitating, as the high level of stress leaves little room for love, lust and companionship," the suit charges.

Grossi tried to stop the landmarking by painting the exterior of the house in wild colors and threatening to stage a mock crucifixion. That only landed him in the psych ward at Staten Island University Hospital.

"It's been a nightmare for me," Grossi, 36, said yesterday.

The property is in foreclosure because he cannot make the $5,500-a-month payments on his 11% subprime loan.

Grossi is seeking $10 million in damages and his wife, $2 million, but lawyer Steven Morelli hinted that a good start for settling the suit would be the city buying the property at a fair price.

Photo from Curbed


Anonymous said...

I think Grossi's "thing" is really "picollo"!
That's his real problem.

His megalomaniac nature
is the only thing that's big about him.

If his wife is dissatisfied with his
performance in the bedroom....Viagra can help!

What a dumb mouth breathing "goombah"!

He insults all cultured Italians
and makes my Napolitano blood boil!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Giovanni Grossi is really a "finocchio"
and took a wife as his "beard" !

Send him over to ex-gov Mc Greevy.
Maybe they're interested in a manage et quatro!

Anonymous said...

The guy is a stupid jerk plain & simple.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine lives near this he says the owner has gone nuts. The cops took him away in an ambulance

Anonymous said...

His real problem is that he can't "get it up"....
his multi crap buildings that is !

Hope you lose your shirt you dumb "chitrool" !

Anonymous said...

I know the whole family the word normal is not in the families vocabulary...His father is the one to blame for everything he taught the child bad ethnics...

Anonymous said...

He now lives on Marco Island FL. We unwittingly rented his house for a week of vacation & realized it's his actual house. He dropped by during our week, had packages delivered there, cleaned it B4 & after himself we learned after paying for pro cleaning and we also found his house was scheduled for a tax sale...after he told us how successful he is.

Anonymous said...

All you dumb fcuks don't know shit. John is a good guy. Everyone goes through ups and downs in life and I guess that's what had happened to both father and son, but now they are even stronger than ever.
I have known John for a long time and he is a man of honor.

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