Tuesday, March 18, 2008

LPC pretends to care about Queens

Queens, the city's largest borough, historically has attracted an eclectic mix of iconic artists, athletes and thinkers.

But you wouldn't know that by counting its landmarks.

That may change in the wake of a city-commissioned survey of 12,495 buildings in Queens, which has the fewest stand-alone landmarks — 69 — of any borough, just a tenth of Manhattan's.

That survey could be vital in saving the borough's heritage at a time when a building boom is sweeping across Queens.

Preservationists say Qns. often ignored

Queens preservationists have been critical of the commission, but remain cautiously optimistic about the survey.

However, they fear some noteworthy, at-risk sites won't win designations, given the commission's record of favoring architecture over historical significance.

With that in mind, Queens News is kicking off a "History in Peril" series — offering profiles of unlandmarked sites.

Hey, LPC, too little, too late. You should have started this 10 years ago. I can't wait to see what endangered sites the Daily News considers landmarks.


Anonymous said...

Queens Historical .... Queens Historical .... lets see what they have done to be a spokesperson for landmarking.

Oh yes, I know those guys! They gave Queensmarks to the simple minded souls of 'their' borough while they got real adult landmarks for their own buildings.

Now there are a fine spokesmen for Queens!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Nancy a supporter of Pinky? She was the one who got him his preservation award, and defends him to this day.

Anonymous said...

Hey, LPC, too little, too late. You should have started this 10 years ago. I can't wait to see what endangered sites the Daily News considers landmarks.


I cannot tell you how many times over the past twenty years we have escourted the latest intern from one of our august preservation organizations to take pictures of our landmarks.

What is so different about this list?

Anonymous said...

We've made up our lists.....
and have checked them out twice....
but Mary Beth Betts has a heart made of ice...
Santa Claus ain't comin' to Queens!

Been there! Done that (some 22 years ago).....
lists, petitions, cajoling elected officials etc.
and mountains of broken promises from LPC

I can remember
historian Dr. Kroessler's first book on Queens .
It was a roster of our landmark worthy sites
complete with photos.

How many of these are still standing today ?

Miserably few, I suspect !

This latest line of BS
dripping off Tierney's thin lips
is just another run around the block
he's offered us....on the road to nowhere !

Giving us lists and surveys to compile
(and grant money to make them)
are just busy work.... diversionary tactics
to keep Manhattan on a healthy diet
of landmarks, while Queens
remains on poverty subsistence feedings!

Whether it's QHS, HDC, MAS, etc.
they're just throwing us preservation rats
onto a squirrel cage exercise wheel.

Round and round we go !

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