Wednesday, March 19, 2008

LIC architectural gem set for scrap heap

Hey remember that LPC survey that's gonna happen in Queens? Well, it will be too late to save this baby:

Beautiful building in LIC awaiting death by impending tower of glass & steel

Just 2 years ago, this building towered over its neighbors.


Anonymous said...

Let the bitching and moaning begin...

Anonymous said...

Stick a fedders in every other window and maybe then they'll qualify it for a landmark.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how a crime against art, culture, history, and ultimately "beauty" is rewarded by politcians and community boards? I pray the project gets shortchanged somehow. This developer deserves no merit!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Tierney's tyranny towers over
us all in Queens!

Bumbling Bob always plays follow the leader's
(Bloomberg & Co.) requests!

If this were on the upper west side of Manhattan,
Landmarks "Pest" would be all over him.

But what have we got "representing" Queens?

A bunch weak kneed preservation pansies!

What ever happened to the "voracious"
Queensborough Preservation League
run by that book publishing pip-squeak?

That tiger turned out to be a mewing kitten!

In a way, Queens deserves what it gets.....
judging from the caliber of its "leadership"
in the "preservation" field!

Anonymous said...

I am sad to see it go but on the other hand that building was borderline abondoned until a year and a half ago when the neighborhood came back and somebody bought it and fixed it up.
My point is, if everyone is so concerned about these amazing buildings - where were all of you when it had boarded up windows and graffiti on the side?

Anonymous said...

the neighborhood came back


I never knew it left. Typical yuppie nitwit thinking (with the city's kind approval) that now they have moved in, the neighborhood is livable.

The city sould do everything to step on these borderline discriminatory comments.

You would not dare talk like this if the community was full of the tweeded, but, working class whites, well they are just a bunch of loser Archie Bunkers, right?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anything in this neighborhood was put on that little 'list' the preservation community put together.

I bet not.

It is done in 'secret' with the 'right' people who don't even live in Hunters Point.

In other words, its bullshit.

Anonymous said...

This isn't on "Schindler's List" to be saved.....
it's on some swindler's list to be destroyed !

Anonymous said...

Remember what Manes once said:

"Queens has nothing but real estate,
and I intend to sell every bit of it"!

I think it went something like that .

Anonymous said...

You are the "nitwit" dumbass!!!

The whole area was borderline ghetto for years. I am against overdevelopment as well but now there is money in the neighborhood that was not there before.

You should all remember one important aspect about overdevelopment.
For all these developers to build their huge looming structures, they had to purchase that land or old building from someone and two thirds of the time it was someone a hell of a lot more like you then like them.

The point is your own people sold you out.

and for dumbass with the previous post - you may not like LIC now but it was a shithole before as well, just a differant kind and dont let me dare hear you people call that beer swiggin, dirty t-shirt people that lived there in the 80's and early nineties a "community"!

Anonymous said...

you are quoting Donald Manes?

this site and it's regulars need to join the 21st century

racist bunch of jackasses you are

Anonymous said...

And , maybe, you're a bunch of greedy-ass
hedge funders/day traders
who had your eggs in the Smith Barney basket ....

Happy semi-bankruptcy!

Nothing trims a cocky over-reaching snot
as good as losing his second home in the Hamptons
or his vacation in the Greek Isles being cut short.

I think the sub-prime debacle
is beginning to effect....ahem.... the upper classes.
The other shoe is about to fall!

Anonymous said...

Some "anonymous" soul (make that hole as in "A")
doesn't know how to punctuate or when to start sentences with capital letters.

H-m-m-m.....who's the dumb-as now ?

Anonymous said...

Oops...sorry...I forgot the second "A" in ass.
(But you're a big enough one not to need it).

Anonymous said...

I think it's that pro Queens West poster
(sales agent) commenting again.

And, how many "luxury" wallboard condo/boxes
did you sell today fella ?

Anonymous said...

this site and it's regulars need to join the 21st century

No the snide comments about the tweeded and Queens run like a plantation and the people of Hunters Point treated as scum by their 'betters' is a page out of the dark ages.

Crappie IS the 21st Century. The public will be empowered.

Anonymous said...

We have the same problem in New England. And the root cause is the need for new tax money.
Kill off a rather small building and replace it with a 38 story condo and you get a boat load of property tax.
It's a stealth approach to getting more taxpayer money, when they can't increase a sales tax or income tax as it's too obvious.

Anonymous said...

And , maybe, you're a bunch of greedy-ass
hedge funders/day traders
who had your eggs in the Smith Barney basket ....


Er... Smith Barney merged into Citigroup in 1998. It's been a decade since you could buy stock in Smith Barney. Wow! People joked about the age of the average poster here, but I thought they were only kidding...

Anonymous said...

so hold a press conference and rally about this building already.
oh wait, it's so much easier to "whine".

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but that building is pretty fugly.

Anonymous said...

so hold a press conference and rally about this building already.
oh wait, it's so much easier to "whine".


Doing a lot more than that, buster, we are doing a lot more than that ....

Anonymous said...

wasn't it Citi Group that got its nuts in a twist
in the sub prime game too ?

F----g dumb ass !

Anonymous said...

I think we've got Gordon Gekko posting
(or is it Ken Lipper) ?

Anonymous said...

I used to work on the Lehman Bros. account
at their ad agency back in the day
when they thought they were king of the hill.

the bigger they come, the harder they fall
(and they did quite a bit).

By the way, what color is your parachute?

There are some other investment banks in NYC
that are on shaky grounds as we speak.

The fallout if they follow Smith Barney's mode,
is bound to be financially radioactive!

The major percentage of my investments
are in fixed income (thank G-d) not in not equities.

Anonymous said...

I trade with E. F. Hutton. They are the best. When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen.

Anonymous said...

E.F. Hutton hasn't used that ad line for years .

You're way out of touch fella!

And the stock market is just a fancy gambling den.

If you can't afford the loss,
don't place any bets on the table!

No brokerage house is immune
(no matter how "savvy" it purports to be)
from what's about to happen.

Hold on tight.
It's going to be a rocky ride for awhile!

Anonymous said...

I love these ersatz financial "gurus"
spending endless hours scoping "Queens Crap".

The real "mavens" are on their PCs
spending all their time following their accounts!

Tee, hee, ha, ha, ha, chuckle, chuckle, guffaw !
(Who's kidding who now)?

Anonymous said...

E.F. Hutton hasn't used that ad line for years.

You're way out of touch fella!


ER... no shit Sherlock. They have been out of business since the 80's. I think I read about them when I was in middle school at the time. God, you guys are not very sharp are you? Can't spot the sarcasm at your expense?

Anonymous said...

We're sharp enough not to day trade you bumpkin!

my comment about you being out of touch
( E.F. Hutton) was a little reverse sarcasm dingbat.

Put down your crack pipe and smell some fresh air
for a change.

Maybe you can still undo
some of the brain rot it's caused.

Anonymous said...

Can that be Alan the gay blade day trader
that lives on the corner of Jackson & Davis
with the black pooch who's posting?

Anonymous said...

Can't you spot our favorite condo sales agent
by his lame comments?

That guy is back again! His "style" is unmistakable.

Anonymous said...

You're all behaving like jackasses.

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