Wednesday, March 19, 2008

And they're off!

East Side:

Crowded field set to vie for Tony Avella's City Council seat

The City Council seat for northeast Queens is shaping up to be one of the most coveted positions in the 2009 elections.

According to campaign filings and political insiders, nearly one dozen candidates are eying a run for the seat held by Tony Avella, term-limited out of office, who plans to run for mayor.

Four Democrats have filed campaign paperwork so far, while several others are mulling a run. At least three Republicans are also eying the seat.

West Side:

Councilman’s Resignation Sets Off a Race

Long before City Councilman Dennis P. Gallagher’s resignation on Monday, the race to succeed him was already off to a rollicking start. And now, with Mr. Gallagher set to leave the Council on April 18, the candidates are openly raising money and seeking support in their Queens district in a not-altogether friendly manner.

The Republicans are eager to hold on to the seat –- one of only three they hold in the 51-member City Council. And the Democrats are also eager to expand their quest to make the Council a nearly exclusively Democratic club.


Anonymous said...

Anthony Como says "And I am involved in what’s going on in this district now.”

yeah. The district is being raped by overdevelopment. Mr. Como is intimately involved in this event, since he's building his own gaudy, out of scale McMansion that's destroying a formerly tasteful neighborhood. Thanks a lot Anthony. You've got my vote - for king of Queens Crap.

Anonymous said...

"And now, with Mr. Gallagher set to leave the Council on April 18, the candidates are openly raising money..."

Hopefully not from developers.

Anonymous said...

Oh please with your McMansion nonsense. Stop being jealous of houses that are bigger and nicer than yours.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully not from developers.

Who the hell writes this stuff?

Of course they are raising if from developers.

Get real.

We need campaign finance reform.

We get street renaming.

Got the picture?

Anonymous said...

McMansions do not belong in neighborhoods of one-story rowhouses. McMansions replace green space with concrete and cost more to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. Como's unfinished for more than a year McMansion is an eyesore.

Anonymous said...

Comos house still sits with violation after violation and unpaid fines. I guess all that is ok. I can't wait to see what else he lets be built in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

You can blame como, but you can also blame the lack of zoning laws to prevent out-of-scale eyesores like his.

Can we expect Mr. Como to fight for laws meant to stop people like him? I think not.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Anthony Como, but it sounds like he wants to be a career politician. Beware of people who run for one office, then run for another and snuggle up to the clubhouse hacks in the meantime. These people want a job.

Vote for someone who wants to save your neighborhood from overbuilding and fight for your fair share of city services. Unfortunately, doesn't look like anyone like this is running.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous number 7 said;

Vote for someone who wants to save your neighborhood from overbuilding and fight for your fair share of city services. Unfortunately, doesn't look like anyone like this is running.

By God, if I get my way, I'm drafting Bob Holden. Imagine that. An elected official that would serve the community. Get ready, Holden. I'm not taking no for an answer.

Queens Crapper said...

Pinky would have a heart attack for sure!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that "A" hole Peter Bo-DOOFUS
is going to step into it again
and get crap all over his Florsheims !

You'd best not support him again Senator Padavan.

You're on shaky ground yourself these days.....
what with your discretionary funds trimmed
and the Democrats running all over Albany!

Anonymous said...

Good architecture requires good taste....
on the part of the owner and the builder.

It's very much like sitting down
to enjoy a fine meal in a good restaurant.

Piling a shit-load of masonry on a tiny lot
(a Mc Mansion) is akin to piling a mountain
of crappy food on a small plate.

Building bigger or having more
is not necessarily better.

It all gets down to QUALTY NOT QUANTITY !

Mc Mansions are nothing less
than "super-sized" fast-food/architecture....
featuring more bulk but lower quality
of detail, refinement and proportion.

This style , however, is perfect
for low class wanabees attempting to put on aires!

you should take a look at Little Neck Hills
(Mc Mansion City)
where the Greeks are fighting it out
with the Russians in war of ostentation (gag....up-chuck) !

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