Friday, March 7, 2008

KFIR reads Queens Crap noon today, this was the scene at St. Saviour's.

This fellow was seen painting over KFIR and the phone number and replacing them with "Global" and a different number (sans area code) on the dumpsters.

He yelled at the photographer that he was the owner of the property and the dumpster company was not owned by him as was "falsely claimed" on the internet.

Which begs the question, "Why was he painting dumpsters that he doesn't own?"

Incidentally, there is no "Global" on Business Integrity's registered or licensed list with this phone number...


Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight.. the owner of the property has nothing better to do then re-paint somebody else's dumptsters himself?

Anonymous said...

im superised pinky's not there helpin out he has plenty of extra time since he has no more comitees anymore oh my bad he did nothin even when he had the comitees

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the "Global" listed in Allentown, PA is the same outfit.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say "Allentown"?

Well we're hiding here in Allentown
And we want to tear St. Saviour’s down
But we don’t believe in killing time
Filling out forms
Standing in line.

We had no country til the Second World War
Then we came to Queens county to score
We danced on top of Pinky’s lap
Begging him please
Let us build crap
And we're hiding here in Allentown.

But that civic group upon us came down
And it's getting very hard to paaaaaaayyy.

Well we're hiding here in Allentown
Seeking riches that we never found
Because of promises that Pinky gave
He doesn’t work hard
And we don’t behave.

So his proclamations hang on the wall
But they never really helped us at all
No they never taught us what was real
Such as going broke,
On a bad deal.

And we're hiding here in Allentown.
Now we’ve contaminated the ground
And the day laborers crawled awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaah.

Maspeth children had a pretty good shot
To have a park just like their old man got.
Something happened on the way to that place
They threw a granny rapist in their faaaaaaaace, oh oh oh.

Well I'm hiding here in Allentown
And it's hard to keep a corrupt man down.
But I won't be getting paid todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
aaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaah.


aaaaaaah aaaaaaah aaaaaaah oh oh oh.

And it's getting very hard to paaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

And we're hiding here in Allentown.

Anonymous said...

Good show!

Anonymous said...

Someone oughta smack that guy. If I were the owner, I would surely never confess such a thing to anyone in such hostile waters...

So who is this guy & where does he live?

Anonymous said...

They have left so many addresses it could be anywhere. But they have a P.O. Box in Scarsdale.

Anonymous said...

What he is doing isn't kosher.

We Light Up Queens said...

I apologize for my lack of an intelligent comment this time around. Just one big "LOL"

georgetheatheist said...

Conniving Tel Aviv traif. Haul your tuchusses back to Israel and build something in the Negev.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to become an anti-Semite.

Kind of in retaliation for these lawbreaking foreigners who are anti-American,anti-Christian, and anti-law-abiding.

Turds. Gallagher's people.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing smells like
(possible?) interstate hazardous waste transfer/disposal
and organized crime (??) involvement to me !

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this same guy painted over
the dumpster on Montague St. in Brooklyn !

Anonymous said...

That's a new one.
A goombah mouth breather wearing
a yarmulke on his head!

Was he working on the sabbath?

Anonymous said...

So it appears
that there's no "Global" carting in existence.... eh?

You watch.....
tomorrow they'll paint a different name on the dumpsters, now that (phony?) "Global"
has been "outed"!

That "goniff " (Yiddish for thief) pictured here,
probably had to flee Israel with the gov't on his ass
for evading compulsory military service.....
h-m-m-m-m ?

Anonymous said...

That ass wipe painting over the dumpsters was heard saying "F__k the Church."

Anonymous said...

If they knock down this church there will be no peace for Scott and his band of thieves.

Anonymous said...

If they knock down this church there will be no peace for Scott and his band of thieves.


Come on guys! Lets get real here. These are small potatoes of little interest.

If they knock down that church, it will fatally crack the foundations of both the mainline preservation and Queens poltiical clubhouses.

You can bank on it.

I hope ineptness and half hearted efforts by the preservation community (afterall, its in Queens, and western Queens at that!), and the few shekels a few Queens pols got from someone who will not even be around in another year or two, was worth it. The voters and taxpayers now know where they stand in the machine's veiw of things.

Unlike that developer, we will stick around.

For a long time.

Anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet that the local papers won't touch this obvious concern with a 10-foot pole?

Anonymous said...

These Israelis don't care about our laws. I know this guy and I know he is from Israel.

Anonymous said...

These Israelis always are very shady. First with their moving companies operating without licenses and now with trash. Kfir actually is an Israeli piece of crap fighter jet.

Anonymous said...

It used to be that the Queens DA, DOI and the other city agencies worked together to rid the city of this type of scum. Now they operate with impunity. The difference? It's Bloomberg time.

Anonymous said...

This is who DOB, CAU, CB5 and Gallagehr have been protecting and helping? Someone needs to open a corruption investigation. Like the FBI.

Anonymous said...

The local papers are filled with chicken shit reporters and editors worried about their advertisers.

Their reporters area bunch of timid nerds who are afraid to ask the tough questions.

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest blog on the web. A bunch of idiots talking out of their ass!
1) March 7, is not the Sabbath. Bunch of morons!

2) Of all the pictures, I do not see any of them yelling!

3) If he was a thief, why would he spray paint during the day in front of a camera! Guys....use common sense!!

4) who the hell said he is Israeli? No dark skin, no Israeli features! Even Hitler can do a better job than you!

5) who said it was NOT his dumpsters?? Maybe he just bought it!

6) Global could be part of the name. Look up every listing that says global, there are MILLIONS!

You fine detectives are doing a worse job than Bloomberg. Keep it up and you surly run Queens to the ground.

This is what a happens when a bunch of idiots sit around sapping every word someone writes without even knowing the truth! Stop reading what people write and go off your lard asses and find the truth!

Anonymous said...

"1) March 7, is not the Sabbath. Bunch of morons!"

Jewish Sabbath begins Friday evening, so March 7th would be the Sabbath.

"2) Of all the pictures, I do not see any of them yelling!"
There's only one guy shown, but many photos not shown. These were saved for the investigators.

"3) If he was a thief, why would he spray paint during the day in front of a camera! Guys....use common sense!!"

Because he has thus far gotten away with everything with only minor fines so he feels he has nothing to fear.

"4) who the hell said he is Israeli? No dark skin, no Israeli features! Even Hitler can do a better job than you!"

Not all Israelis have dark skin or "Israeli features". That's like saying only true Americans are white. How racist of you.

"5) who said it was NOT his dumpsters?? Maybe he just bought it!"

He said they were not his dumpsters.

"6) Global could be part of the name. Look up every listing that says global, there are MILLIONS!"

Yeah, the only problem is that to operate a carting company in NYC you need to be registered or licensed and this outfit is neither.

"Stop reading what people write and go off your lard asses and find the truth!"

We stopped reading the lame coverage in the Queens weaklies and went down to the site to see for ourselves. I'm sorry if the truth is hard to believe and offensive.

Anonymous said...

Why all of a sudden is this guy painting over KFIR?

What happened to KFIR...jerky?

Anonymous said...

"Jewish Sabbath begins Friday evening, so March 7th would be the Sabbath."
As your investigators said...the picture was taken a NOON, which NOT the Sabbath!

"There's only one guy shown, but many photos not shown. These were saved for the investigators."
Sounds like a John Kelly pep talk.....”we have a plan”, but can not tell you what the plan in. If there are more incriminating photos, why not publish it?

"Because he has thus far gotten away with everything with only minor fines so he feels he has nothing to fear."

Minor fines? A burglary is not a is prison time. Please think of something else more convincing.

"Not all Israelis have dark skin or "Israeli features". That's like saying only true Americans are white. How racist of you. "

Maybe he is Russian or Italian! He put a skullcap on to fool you losers!

"He said they were not his dumpsters." Maybe they are not is, but his bosses! You are harassing an innocent man trying to make a living because you are paranoid about the church.

"Yeah, the only problem is that to operate a carting company in NYC you need to be registered or licensed and this outfit is neither."

It takes a MONTH for the licenses to be updated in NYC database. Wait... and you will find your answer.

Anonymous said...

KFIR's license expired 10/12/07. They have been operating illegally since that time. The dumpster parked illegally on Rust Street and the plates on the truck were confiscated. As for our evidence...Wait...and you will find your answer. There was no burglary because he said he was the owner of the property. How's life on Long Island these days? :)

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how KFIR had the same phony address as Maspeth Development LLC.

The feds should be investigating these dirtbags very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, pay attention:

These three are the marks of a Jew--a tender heart, self-respect, and charity.

So far you have exhibited none of these things. Wearing a Kippah seems a bit hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

You've been caught red handed
with your hands in the proverbial "pushka"
(or "pishka" if you prefer) .

Kenna hurra (phonetically spelled)....
you'll be facing a judge soon!

Anonymous said...

Why are these KIFR folks
getting their panties in bind....
finding the need to defend themselves
on what they said was a site
where "idiots" post
if they're so cock sure of themselves ?

I guess that also makes them idiots
if you follow their own logic.

Anonymous said...

"KFIR's license expired 10/12/07."

According to that logic, it would make sense for this guy to buy the containers from Kfir and rename it to his own company (or whoever he works for) so why are you twisting your panties with this conspiracy theories?
Since when is it illegal to store containers on a lot? It may not be on the street, but it can be legally on any lot!

Anonymous said...

You may not truck fill in and out without a waste transfer station permit from DOS. These KFIR dumpsters are all over the streets illegally and the trucks driving around with the KFIR name are illegal as well. There's no conspiracy theory. This is what is happening. And we have the photos to prove it.

Anonymous said...

It's time to contact the Dept of Homeland Security
regarding KFIR (etc.)
Let them decide "waz up" in this murky situation!
(Unless , of course,
somebody has already dropped "the quarter"on 'em).

I've found them to be very cooperative
on past occasions. They don't play any favorites
like our city government often does.

Don't Israelis hail from that same
hotbed in the middle east as Al Queda!

Anonymous said...

I wonder why bloomberg would allow this person to operate with impunity????? Hmmmmmm, gee I think you can figure it out.
This person should be captured for these crimes and forced to eat a bacon sandwich. Also, make him eat a ham stuffed porkchop.(LOL)

Anonymous said...

has a lot of atoning to do
on Yom Kippur!

You can't fool G-d !

Anonymous said...

deal with dimola bros rubbish removal our equipment is professional as our staff check us out

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