Thursday, March 20, 2008

Her royal highness Florida

Continuing to ignore Queens while working on her "vision" of the city, Amanda Burden saw fit to make a trip to Florida to address the Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach:

Assuring the Palm Beach Crowd

Did she bring the tweeding language with her? Oh yes:

"An important part of her job is maintaining the city's position as a city of global stature, able to compete with economic and cultural capitals around the world while creating and maintaining vibrant and diverse neighborhoods."

I guess allowing the Queens infrastructure to be pushed to the breaking point by putting a halt to all downzoning is part of her plan.

Honey, you have no business going to Palm Beach before you've finished your rounds here.


Anonymous said...

while creating and maintaining vibrant and diverse neighborhoods ... full of the tweeded ready to cater to the whims and needs of the chatting classes.


Anonymous said...

She probably has homes there or her friends do. Queens seems to be irrelevant to her.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's auditioning for a job.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps her vision is similar to the new governor, Paterson. Ho, wait!

He's legally blind. What's her excuse? She's willfully blind?

Anonymous said...

The world that socialite Amanda lives and travels in
is far removed from Queens and its gritty problems.

Why the f--k should she give a damn
about anything but the brand of Earl Grey
she'll be serving at her next tea party
in her well appointed digs on her fancy block!

Anonymous said...

Can we take up a collection for her to stay in Florida?

Anonymous said...

F--k Florida.
Somebody kidnap her and send her to Cuba!

Anonymous said...

So am I right to assume it was Doomberg that put these roaches in commissioner positions- Burden, Lancastaer, and caterer Nazli Parvisi?

The aforementioned scum have damaged our city ireparably.
(In)experience aside, their lack of caring is what they'll most be rememberd for. I would love to be the one elected to replace Bloomberg so I could have the pleasure of firing all three - and many more.

Anonymous said...

That photo is over the top. It's a screen saver! I am suffering from urn envy.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you realize that you live in NYC, which is an international city of global stature? If you want to live in a quiet, small-town type place, go move to Podunk.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you realize that all of the NYC that Amanda and Bloomie promised to downzone deserve to be and not just the ones the rich white folk live in?

Anonymous said...

Why can't you realize that you live in NYC, which is an international city of global stature?

yes so what? I pay taxes and vote. All I care about (and should care about for that matter) is what is good for me and my family.

I am an American citizen, and that title trumps anything on earth.

Next question?

Anonymous said...

Amanda is descending into skanksville.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, You need another refill of Botox.

Anonymous said...

Lancaster and Burden must go!

Anonymous said...

It's called aging. Happens to everyone, even Dick Clark. Leave her alone, she's a good commissioner.

Anonymous said...

You are an American citizen who votes, so that means that NYC government should make NYC like a small town rather than a leading global city? I am an American citizen who votes and who wants my city to be grand and global. So you really don't trump anything. Next question . . .

Anonymous said...

What is good for me and my family AND for you is that NYC is not overdeveloped so that it can be that grand and global place you want it to be and not a place that constantly has blackouts and floods and suffers economically because of it. Amanda Burden is responsible for overseeing that. And she is in Florida instead of downzoning the neighborhoods that need to be downzoned in order to prevent economic catastrophe such as that experienced over the past 2 summers here. Unless you think it's good for the city to have its businesses fail and homes affected because of blackouts and floods and the comptroller's office doling out millions of tax dollars to those affected which could have instead gone into keeping the city grand and global.

We're ready for your next comment now.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is your urban planning and economics background that makes you know what is better for me and everyone else? Because your arguments don't make sense and your facts are just wrong. The NYC economy is holding up better than the rest of the country precisely because all the best and brightest want to be here, and because the city constantly grows and evolves. You don't stay a grand, global city by stopping development. The city has had flooding and blackouts for decades. The city just needs to enhance the infrastructure along with the growth.
Again, why don't you move to some small town upstate or in Jersey if that is the type of life you want for your family. People who choose to live in NYC want the growth and excitement.
Try to think things through and check your facts before you comment again.

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that it's ok that Burden and Bloomberg reneged on their pre-election promise to downzone certain neighborhoods and that it was perfectly ok to move ahead with the plans to downzone wealthier ones? You agree with this blatant racism and classism?

Queens Crapper said...

"You don't stay a grand, global city by stopping development. The city has had flooding and blackouts for decades. The city just needs to enhance the infrastructure along with the growth."

Yes, and since they have no plans to do this anytime soon, so they should hold back on development until they do.

Anonymous said...

Actually, this will cease being a grand, global city within 10 years because we are hollowing out the middle class and replacing them with temporary communities of people lured here from elsewhere, be they very rich or very poor. And we are entering a recession. Bye, bye big development projects. And good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Crappy, I have to disagree with you. The city needs to update infrastructure from where it is now, to where it should be now. Then they can "enhance the infrastructure along with the growth" incrementally. We have sewers from the 1910's for Christ's sake.

Anonymous said...

NYC government should make NYC like a small town rather than a leading global city? I am an American citizen who votes and who wants my city to be grand and global. So you really don't trump anything. Next question . . .

Someone has a Napoleon complex... or perhaps a Hitler complex.

Cities are for living - the are meant for the millions of people living there.

You want a monument to granduer try to live in a place like ancient Rome.

Anonymous said...

What is good for me and my family AND for you is that NYC is not overdeveloped so that it can be that grand and global place you want it to be and not a place that constantly has blackouts and floods and suffers economically because of it.

Naw, the guy wants a Calcutta, a Lagos, a Rio, world cities that are festering slums that cannot take care of their own.

Anonymous said...

You don't stay a grand, global city by stopping development.


No, you just become a place where the developers live.

Anyone can tell you that the places with the greatest restrictions are the areas most disirable.

Just put a piece of fedders crap in Hollywood, Hamptons, or Palm Beach and just see how far you get.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is your urban planning and economics background that makes you know what is better for me and everyone else?

Let me handle this dimshit

Cause we live out here in Queens, Mr Bigshot.

I would like to see your kids go to these shithole schools out here, or the local emergency room.

There is always the firehouse that closed down across the street from me, and the 18 story human warehouse in my back yard.

I like to take the crowded train home next to the guy who was hired by the guy that you hired and who hasn't taken a bath for a week.

You want anyother creditials fireball? What I see in a week your charts and graphs couldn't tell you in a lifetime.

You got any other questions, sonny?

Anonymous said...

"grand and global"

The next generation of the tweeded has chosen their lexicon.

Anonymous said...

well, after 30 years I am getting a bit tired of 'diverse and vibrant.'

Anonymous said...

Let's return to the old "multi-cultural"euphemism .

I'm getting tired of "vibrant" and "diverse".

Better yet,
why don't we just use honest superlatives
like "3rd world slum" or "the great unwashed"
to refer to our noisy, under-civilized nabes?

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