Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day from QC!

Here's a bit about the holiday from the Queens Gazette.


Anonymous said...

god, I am so sick of this turd. Hopefully once he resigns he'll move out of town and never be heard from again.

Anonymous said...

Dennis, you've divided, abandoned and destroyed our community. What a legacy you've built. Go far, far away and take your hate blog, fat crony and crooked lawyer with you.

Anonymous said...

he should go hang out with Spitzer.

Anonymous said...

at least spitzer had the decency to pay for a hooker and get a hotel instead of brutalizing a grandmother in his office.

Anonymous said...

He should be screwing Spitzer. He'd say it's consensual & then both buds would have something to talk about.

Anonymous said...

not Irish but thanks for the good cheer :)
Will have to wear something green.

Anonymous said...

Hey you little elf, when was your last rape?

Do you always apologize following a rape?

Anonymous said...

Gallagher's crime is 100x worse than Spitzer's.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you little elf, what were you pleading guilty to? You were saying the sex was consensual; so what was the guilty plea about? What was the apology about?

You lying little weasel turd. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on your way out.

Bubba is still waiting for you.

You just may have a chance to meet him in the park real soon.

Anonymous said...

It's fitting that Gallagher would go down on St. Patrick's day.

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