And speaking of moving historic structures... Hamilton Grange in Upper Manhattan is slated to be moved to the more pastoral setting of St. Nicholas Park. Currently, as you can see, it's jammed in between 2 buildings on Convent Avenue. Here is a little bit of background:
Streetscapes: Hamilton Grange; A Move to Move A Historic House and an update from
what about the plastic animals. How the heck are they gonna get it OUT of there? It looks pretty boxed in...
What a waste of funding! It is not endangered by some mega greedy developer, unlike some others the Landmarks Devastation Commission vehemently opposes calendaring for a public designation hearing.
Note to the City: Allocate funds for the restoration and rescue of other historic sites, and restore green space and our waterways.
This is part of the National Park Service, so these are most likely federal and not city funds.
Still, it's the idea of funding going out the window.
There are more detailed NY Times stories (including maps of the projected moved) at
It makes sense to move this place, but St Savious will lose its historic fabric to plop it in a cemetary - it will just look out of place.
Half of the beauty of it is its location.
You're right. Let's allow St. Saviour's to be demolished and thrown in a pile of trash by Newtown Creek. At least it will maintain its historic fabric.
Or my personal favorite, keep the church where it is and build houses around it. How is that keeping its historic fabric? It's better to move it to an open area with trees, which is what its setting looked like originally.
Let's box St. Saviour's in with buildings like the Grange, then complain that it lost its integrity and then move it when it becomes much more difficult and more expensive to do so.
there is no longer any "beauty" left
in St. Savior's current location.
Pull your hat off your eyes and have a good peep!
Why don't YOU BUY THE SITE and donate it
to the community?
Put your money where your mouth is fella!
You're right. Let's allow St. Saviour's to be demolished and thrown in a pile of trash by Newtown Creek.
No, lets 'compromise' (that is sooo Queens) and hope that another example like St Saviours shows up (if we are lucky in the next couple of years) so we can start the process of overturning the law.
This building gives us an example on a silver platter, but, not to worry, lets cut a deal. Lets save a tree while the chain saws rev up in the forest around us.
Maybe within the, oh, lets say, next two or three dozen historic buildings that will be destroyed under the current set-up we should find something of this caliber.
No an out of place building in an akward little corner of the All Souls looks just fine. We should show a picture of it just to make ourselves feel better every time something gets destroyed.
BTW, did anyone clear up just how much land is going to the church, and who will own it?
BTW, what happened to the people around the church site who worked so dillegently so the folks near the cemetary can have a historic building?
It sounds like that wannabee E.H. descendant
is on a rant again slinging his usual patent BS.
Where were you at the Mas Fed rally to save St. Saviour's? About 30 minutes late as I recall!
You're nothing but an armchair preservationist.
and you even refused to give comment to the press
when asked to do so by a JPCA member.
And what better suggestion do you have
at this very late 11th hour
to keep the church intact and at its current location?
no money and no ideas just fancy empty words.
Do you prefer that St. Saviour's winds up
in a land fill ?
Why don't you ask your "blue blood" ancestors
to buy the site fella!
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