Friday, March 7, 2008

Good luck with that


A Queens lawmaker is pushing to have owners of hybrid vehicles get free parking at street meters and municipal parking lots, as a way to encourage city drivers to go green.

Councilman Hiram Monserrate (D-Corona), who introduced the bill, called free parking "a major purchase a vehicle that is environmentally friendly. "


Anonymous said...

Nice try Hiram at grabbing some publicity with,
actually, a good idea this time.

But I think that anyone who can afford one of these comparatively expensive hybrids
can afford to pay for parking it.

Now, how about you parking that grandstanding attempt and try doing something really useful
for your district!

Anonymous said...

He's not bad looking.

Anonymous said...

He's not bad looking.

Errr, might be time to get a check on the eyeglass prescription. Hiram makes Jorge Posada look like Julio Inglesias.

And what's up with that ill fitting suit?

Anonymous said...

Now, how about you parking that grandstanding attempt and try doing something really useful
for your district!

Is it me, or does anyone else notice these guys don't do anything useful, or certainly address the real problems in their districts?

Where would they be if it wasn't for the fawning local press pitched to the gullible?

Anonymous said...

What do you want to bet that Hiram or maybe his wife own a hybird? I bet that's what's 'driving' this assinine legislation.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is trying to be a Vallone these days.. one dumb, meaningless and unnecessary proposal after another. Jimmy Oddo is another champion of this kind of 'fecal legislation' to be polite.

If I were to equate what these idiots do to my own job, it would be like me coming in, organizing my files and polishing my desk all day while neglecting to pay the bills. And if I did that, needless to say I'd be fired.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the guy. All of this crap that Bloomberg proposes to get people to act green involves all stick and no carrot.

The congestion pricing plan has no effect at all on him and his crowd. $8.00 a day is a joke to them. If anything they will be glad to pay it, it will force middle class drivers off the roads so they can swoop in and out to the hamptons more easily.

This is a plan that will offer something within reach to middle class citizens, true the hybrids are more money, but let people make the choice, they end up cheaper after about 5 years.

We Light Up Queens said...

Good attempt to support the environment. While they are at it, they might as well allow them to park in no parking zones and in front of fire-hydrants too!

Anonymous said...

I'll drink to that!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the suit is ill fitting, it's just the way he's standing.

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