Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The God garage

Here's a candidate for the smallest church in our borough - a converted (forgive the pun) garage on Horace Harding Boulevard and 99th Street in Rego Park. No parking on Sundays, I suppose. While many larger churches are struggling, storefront churches are growing.



Anonymous said...

They are just residents playing the "Ministry card" to beat paying taxes and take rent $$ from 20+ people per room
Its real popular trick with these people.

Anonymous said...

With the hefty increase I just got
in my real estate taxes,
I'm going to look into doing the same
if that allows me to remove my property
from the tax rolls.

I could use a little "religiously applied" tax relief.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Maybe all the rest of you homeowners out there
ought to consider following suit.

Anonymous said...

I think this is illegal. Some tried to open a mosque in a basement near us, and with all sorts of laws violated the fire department closed it down.

Anonymous said...

This is an old scam, even used here in NY more than 30 years ago. A multitude of police and firefighters used the scam. They were all (or most of them) caught and the fad died quickly.

Judging from the photo, it looks like this religion teaches garbage.

Anonymous said...

does the church holds wedding ceremonies?

Anonymous said...

I could use a little "religiously applied" tax relief.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

This is a lucrative boat to be on - your neighbors will love you if you turn your basement/garage into the latest Preacher flavor of the month.

Anonymous said...

If I declare myself a minister or priest, can I avoid paying taxes?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm the reverend of the newly-formed Church of Advanced Spiritual Healing. Please make your donation checks out to "CASH" for short.

And God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

I've just used a little "religiously applied" sarcasm
(like in ha, ha,....tee, hee...heh, heh....yuk, yuk)
and you're a little too slow to know it bub!

Anonymous said...

There's a Jewish burial society (I believe)
headquartered in a Jamaica Estates residence
that DOESN'T pay real estate taxes.

And as long as they maintain one room as a sanctuary they're able to legally remain off the books
as far as the NYC Department of Finance is concerned.

I think this was reported somewhere in the media awhile ago. Does anyone know about it?

georgetheatheist said...

"My carage is carage is of prayer.
You makee carage into den of tax evashun." - Thomas "Cheeses" Huang

Anonymous said...

I hear that a Korean development group
is going to be building a new religious mall
with 40 churches and a food court....(ha, ha, ha) !

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