Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Crane collapse body count at 7

Rescue workers Monday pulled the bodies of two construction workers and a Florida woman from the wreckage of an East Side townhouse that was crushed by a falling crane.

The grim discoveries ended a two day search for survivors — and dashed the hopes of friends and relatives that somebody might be found alive.

Santino Gallone was the first to be found, two days after after the 300-foot crane collapsed and killed four of his co-workers.

More bodies recovered from Manhattan crane collapse site

Around 2 p.m., the body of construction worker Clifford Canzona, 45, of Long Island, was pulled from the wreckage.

A short time later, 28-year-old Odin Torres, who had flown to New York for a family party and to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, was found in the rubble.

Photo from Daily News


Anonymous said...

See....Mayor Bumble-berg....
now you've killed a Florida tourist!

Now just watch the tourists take flight
to SAFER CITIES elsewhere on the globe!

Now you're really F----D you pompous ass!

Anonymous said...

In many respects, the developers and constractors are terrorists.

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