Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cold war crap

Good gravy! Miss Heather is on a roll this week, so I will defer to her yet again today.

Cold War Style On A Capitalist Budget!


Anonymous said...

looks like a bunker. Whoever moves into the dive may need it, to fend off irate neighbors.

verdi said...

WTF is this ?

Who....or should I say....what species
intends to live in it ? !!!

Anonymous said...

Are there any new developments this size going up which do not have those damn ugly balconies on the front?

I thought to myself about it for a while the other day and I could not think of a single one that I've seen constructed in the past decade that doesn't. All they are ever used for is bicycle storage.

Anonymous said...

Tear it down, already! Splatter it with red paint - protest it - don't let this ruin the neighborhood.

We Light Up Queens said...

After seeing that I can look at the local Mcmansions in appreciation that they are not this.

Anonymous said...

what is the address of this piece of crap??

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