Friday, March 28, 2008

Chinatown's been redlined

Dozens of protesters stood inside and out of a Community Board 3 meeting yesterday, claiming that a proposed rezoning plan was racist and could result in the displacement of minority community members.

Critics claim that the rezoning specifically outlines the already-gentrified areas of the LES and East Village, while excluding the less affluent and more ethnically diverse areas like Chinatown. Zoning off the proposed area will supposedly push the development of high-rises and displace residents into the excluded communities.

Chinatown Residents Object to Rezoning Exclusion

Yep, that's how it works in redlined communities.


Anonymous said...

Of course it's racist!

How about LPC creating a historic district
for Chinatown?

I don't see any red/brown colored street signs
indicating it as such.

What's that Mary Beth Betts....
it doesn't meet your "criteria" (or is it your "agenda")?

Now that would be double racism !

Anonymous said...

I think NYC's real plan is to retain Chinatown
for the wealthy Asians and push out the poorer classes to the outer borough Chinatowns, in Flushing
or Brooklyn, for example.

Anonymous said...

Racism is such a simple concept. Even the racists comprising CB3 have no trouble exercising it. Racism never requires any intellectual effort at all. The most miserably moronic stupid never have trouble with it.

Look how stupid people repeat history: GOOGLE: The Chinese Exclusion Act.

In the spring of 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed. Even then, stupid, hateful, frightened people feared people who were different.

Now it's this city's turn to do it again. Right, Bloomberg?

Keep stirring the pot. Look to divide. There's big profit from other people's fear and stupidity. Right, Bloomberg?

Anonymous said...

Keep a watchful eye out
for that "benefactor" Wellington Chen
who left Flushing to head up the Chinatown partnership.

Has he done anything to advocate
for Chinatown's poorer classes?

He's already done plenty
to advance his own business interests.....
then left Flushing for greener pastures.

But after all, isn't he one of Bloomberg's boys?

You don't get to be a trustee
of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
without being well connected and on the pad
of the powerful NYC real estate industry......
h-m-m-m ? !!!

Anonymous said...

Funny how they never talk about the new exciting vibrancy and revitalization of communities from the immigrants in Manhattan like they do for Queens.

The fact of the matter is immigrants are being squeezed out of Manhattan.

Where are the immigrant advocacy groups?

Oh yes, demanding 'affordable' housing in Queens. Just like their benfactors, the clubhouse, tells them to do.

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