Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bill comes back to bite him in the ass

The human trafficking bill that Governor Eliot Spitzer signed into law in 2007 must have been the last thing going through his mind inside of room 871 in Washington D.C.’s Mayflower Hotel on Valentine's Day Eve.

The legislation not only cracks down on sex traffickers, but it also stiffens the penalties for johns. When he signed it into law in 2007, Spitzer offered some harsh words for those involved in the prostitution trade.

“Human trafficking is modern day slavery and among the most repugnant crimes,” Spitzer said. “Today we have given law enforcement the ability to adequately prosecute perpetrators, and have provided meaningful assistance for the unfortunate victims of these egregious crimes. Today’s signing also demonstrates what we can accomplish in Albany when we work together for the public good.”

Could “Client 9” be steamrolled by his own legislation?

13 comments: said...

Get 'Re-Elect Client No. 9 For NY Governor', Eliot Spitzer's New Unofficial Re-election Campaign, Now on Yard Signs, Bumper Stickers, T-Shirts, Hats, Buttons, Mugs, Magnets, Mousepads, and More at:

Anonymous said...

Well, by now we all know that Spitzer believes in crackdowns. Cracks, up, down, wherever, just so long as it grips him.

There's a rule: Always write a law as though it will be used against you.

Guess that Spitter's too stupid to understand.

Anonymous said...

NY Post artical: In 2003, Spitzer's office took a lead role in busting 18 people accused of operating a large prostitution ring that netted $1 million in profits by dispatching hookers to customers in New York City and surrounding suburbs.

"This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multi-tiered management structure," a triumphant Spitzer crowed at the time. "It was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring, and now its owners and operators will be held accountable."

Anonymous said...

Where are the client 9 condoms?

Anonymous said...

Never mind his ass....
I hope it bites him on his dick!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha! He's a douchebag indeed!

georgetheatheist said...

When, WHEN, W-H-E-N, I ask you repeatedly, W- H- E- N???? are the WHORE ads in the Queens Tribune going to be investigated?

DA Brown are you asleep on this?

Anonymous said...

Aw come on. At $4,000 and up, there's a real question about which party is doing the exploiting, and i'm not so sure it's the women of that 'dating service'...

verdi said...

D.A. Brown's office threw the Gallagher rape case
by deliberately assigning their "dumber" lawyers to it.

They knew they'd be likely to ask
those particular questions that the judge found
to be inapropriate.

And that blew the indictment.

So he ain't gonna do shit
about Shenckler's rub joint/whore ads!

Anonymous said...

Beyond anonymity..... does client #9
refer to his place in the pecking order
among the whore masters?

If so.....
who ranks above who's #1 ?

please don't tell me
he got sloppy nines (puke) !

Anonymous said...

It's funny how all this can go on, and the building next to the Duane Reade on Main St. Still has a huge BIG sign in for viwe of the street, in their lobby for all to see that says "MASSAGE ONE FLIGHT DOwN", o yea do not foget th lady who stands on the corner handing out flyers to no asains promoting their service!

I know it been going on for ever and just gose round nd round and once in a while something happens, maybe one day the DA may come to this Ho Jo ! Bih H.

Anonymous said...

George: I agree with you. The ads should be investigated in the Trib.

Anonymous said...


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