Monday, February 4, 2008

They may play in Jersey, but...

The victorious Giants will celebrate their Super Bowl triumph with their fans on Tuesday in a ticker-tape parade up Broadway.

The team will roll up the Canyon of Heroes, leaving the Battery at 11 a.m. and heading for a 1 p.m. ceremony at City Hall.

The parade comes on the same day as the Super Tuesday primary election in New York, which cops have said will stretch their resources to the max.

Broadway's last ticker-tape parade took place when the Yankees beat the Mets in the Subway Series in 2000 - drawing an estimated 1 million fans and costing about $1 million for overtime and cleanup.

Dress well: Tuesday's weather forecast calls for a high near 57 - but with rain likely.

From the Daily News
Photo from NY Sun


Anonymous said...

might this parade be a way of diverting people from the poles on Tuesday to give one of the favored candidates an edge?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it definitely appears to be.
It has the signs of BusHitlerMcHalliburton$ written all over it! I'm sure that one of Dick Cheney's operatives slipped some sort of mind control drug into the Gatorade of the New England Patriots during halftime, so that they would blow the last quarter of the Super Bowl, thus letting the New York Giants win, leading to a "victory parade" to coincide with Super Tuesday, which will in turn distract all those New York Giants fans who otherwise would have dutifully placed their ballots in the primary!

Come to think of it, I'm sure a CIA operative wearing an overcoat, top hat, and sunglasses probably met Tom Brady in the tunnel on the way to the field for the second half, and gave Brady an envelope containing $5 million in unmarked $100 bills to throw the game. Brady's definitely in on the conspiracy too, as are the Illuminati, Opus Dei, and that all time favorite of paranoid delusional conspiracy theorists "The Jews".

Anonymous said...

Way to go giants!

Anonymous said...

"might this parade be a way of diverting people from the poles on Tuesday"

Oh, wait a minute, you said "diverting people from the poles". Now do you mean poles as in "stripper poles", or "Poles" as in "that ethnic group which predominates in Greenpoint"?

Please clarify, because that would change the conspiracy theory completely!

Anonymous said...

Yawn.....I admit I'm a traitor
and didn't even watch the game.

As far as I'm concerned the New Jersey Midgets
(that's what the so called "Giants" ought to be called)
left New York in favor of the Jersey swamps!

That's what the meadow lands were called in my era.

They are also traitors and should drop
the New York portion of their name !

Anonymous said...

just a misspelling. Sort of thought I'd spelled "polls" wrong but was too lazy to look it up.

ps Funny elaboration of my theory, though. Thanks for the laugh. Just don't forget to credit me as the masterminding originator!!!

Anonymous said...

The argument that the Giants aren't a NYC team because they play in New Jersey is an incorrect one.

They represent the New York City metropolitan area, as do the Yanks, Mets, Jets, Red Bulls, Rangers, Nets, Islanders, Devils and unfortunately at present, the Knicks.

georgetheatheist said...

And never forget, please, please remember, if you can't be an athlete, you can always, always be an athletic supporter.

Anonymous said...

...some women in sports are so juiced up on steroids that they're probably in need of "athletic supporters" too!

Anonymous said...

Two more weeks till pitchers and catchers!!!

Ever notice no one ever says "Two more weeks until linebackers and running backs" or "Two more weeks until goalies and wingers"

C'mon springtime and baseball!

Anonymous said...

Only one New York football team has ever won the Super Bowl: the Jets in 1969.

Anonymous said...

The argument that the Giants aren't a NYC team because they play in New Jersey is an incorrect one.

Unfortunately, for those of us who actually live in NYC (Queens), we get stuck with the tax bill paying all the cops, sanitation workers, etc. for overtime for the Super Bowl parade. New Jersey of course has to pay state troopers during the Giants games for traffic control, but also gets the tax revenue from the sale of tickets, merchandise, beer, etc.

Sounds like an excellent deal!

New Jersey = Revenue
New York = Overtime expense for parade!

Viva Senor Spitzer!

Anonymous said...

My God! You people are amazing. It was a good game, a great win. I went to the parade, then went to work and then I went to vote. Everything could be done in one day. And I do not regret paying "the tax bill paying all the cops, sanitation workers, etc. for overtime for the Super Bowl parade." And nobody distracted me from voting. Once again....My God you people are so petty!

Anonymous said...

you must either be very rich or very much a fool.

Anonymous said...

There are probably more Notre Dame fans living in New York City than in Indiana. Does that make Notre Dame a New York team? No. They play their home games in Indiana, that makes them an Indiana team.

For years after the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles, there were probably still more Dodger fans in New York City than in Los Angeles. That didn't make the Dodgers a New York team. They played their home games in Los Angeles, that made them an Indiana team.

I don't care home many fans the Giants, Jets, Devils and Nets have in New York City - they are all New Jersey teams. If the Nets move to Brooklyn, as they may, they will no longer be a New Jersey team.

Anonymous said...

My God! You people are amazing. It was a good game, a great win.

Agree - I am a long sufferrng Jets fan and it is very nice the Giants won, I enjoyed their play and happy for all Giant fans. I don't like the fact that both teams play in NJ and hate the thought of going there and that NJ will continues to host the teams and fans will have to pay up even more to sit in the swamplands.

However the Mayor's push to house the Jets in Manhattan was a stupid idea from the onset and the short lived plan B was more appealling (Willets Point) but half-hearted and also corruptly flawed. I am not in favor of give-aways for sports teams especially since the individual fan will lose the ability to afford a seat in the new venue. So let NJ take financial hits and traffic instead, I will watch the games from my warm home instead, at least until they charge me to watch them on TV.

Congratulations to all Giant fans, old and new.

Anonymous said...

All right,
I take it all back.

I had chills down my spine watching the parade.

The Giants deserve to be honorary New Yorkers.
at the very least.

I'm proud of their New York spirit
of never say die!

Anonymous said...

The giants brought so many enjoyments this past year.

It almost brought me to tears, to hear Manning talk, so humble, down to earth and a great representation of what a good human being should be.

Thank you NY Giants!

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