Sunday, February 3, 2008

Stop work order for 4 years

Local residents are calling for the city to act regarding a Whitestone construction site, which they say has been abandoned and is an eyesore in the community.

Led by Bayside Councilman Tony Avella, more than 30 local residents rallied in front of the partially finished house, which has been under construction for 16 years.

Neighbors Impatient As Abandoned House Sits

The site, located at 163-05 Cross Island Parkway, has had a stop work order for illegal construction without a permit from the Department of Buildings since 2004.

While residents are upset with the property owner, their main gripe is with the city and its inaction. Gerry De Paola, president of the Robinwood Property Owners Association, said the site is one of several of its type in the neighborhood and one of many in the city.

Photo from Queens Chronicle

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