Tuesday, February 5, 2008

No sign is a bad sign


Hold the sugar.

That's the message developers of the old Domino Sugar plant in Brooklyn appear to be sending with their renderings of the $1.2 billion waterfront condo complex.

The plan to convert the former Williamsburg refinery leaves out the iconic illuminated sign that reads, "Domino Sugar," which generations have grown accustomed to seeing off the East River.

The plans also reveal for the first time a 65,000-square-foot, five-story glass-faced addition to the shuttered sugar plant's main factory, a cluster of three 19th century buildings that date back to 1884 and were declared city landmarks last year.

The developers are slated to go before the Landmarks Preservation Commission today.

Activists fight to save Domino's sign

CPC spokesman Richard Edmonds said the developer is working to find ways to save the sign - though he stopped short of promising it will be preserved.

"There are engineering complexities involved in it, but we want to save the sign as much as the community," Edmonds said.

Photo from Daily News


Anonymous said...

I hope LPC votes yes on this and on St. Vincent's. Only when landmarks across this city fall like dominoes will the inner borough and the outer boroughs be equal under the law.

Anonymous said...

Considering this is the "Domino" plant, this could start a succession.

Anonymous said...

Domino betrayed our city by leaving for cheaper places. Not only should its ad be removed, but its name should be placed alongside that of Walter O'Malley as traitors to our city.

Anonymous said...

The sign is an easy leverage for the developers. They will will even more concessions from the Mayor's office and our pocket book.

Tax abatement must be ended. Let the developers pay up instead. Few folks buying new crap would stop if the abatement program ended.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear what they want to do to Sohmer Piano.

Hmm...does anyone at HDC have info they would like to share?


Anonymous said...

Don't you mean that Manhattan activists
are fighting to save THEIR VIEW of the sign ?

If it were the other way around,
and that iconic sign
were located on the western bank of the East River,
it would never be under consideredation
of being included in the project in the first place.

And all the "hell" that might be raised
in the "outer boroughs" of Brooklyn & Queens
to save their view of that same sign,
would probably amount to a squeak,
and that would immediately be ignored by the LPC !

Anonymous said...

witness the domino theory in practice
and I couldn't care less.

Landmark worthy St Saviour's in Queens
is on the verge of biting the dust
and who gives a fig of a flying f--k
about some butt ugly factory building !

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