Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mighty John Young has learned the lexicon

Although John Young heads the borough's City Planning office, some of the questions he answered after speaking at the Queens Chamber of Commerce breakfast last Thursday had more to do with the economy than zoning.

Rezonings aid boro's economy, official says

Young spoke at the LaGuardia Marriott about how recent rezonings will strengthen regional business districts in Long Island City, Flushing and Jamaica, and the plans for Willets Point.

While Long Island City was rezoned in 2001, City Planning still keeps an eye on it.

"We see this as a vibrant new living and working area," he said of the neighborhood and outlined landscaping plans for Queens Plaza and Jackson Avenue, extending as far as the waterfront in the one direction and to the Citigroup tower in the other.

For Flushing, Young said, the challenge is to renew, reconnect and revitalize the waterfront and redevelop Willets Point.

"We really see this waterfront as a place that can be much more a place to walk, to gather," Young said of Flushing and Willets Point. The environmental review is under way, and the public review process is to begin in early 2008, he said.


Anonymous said...

Someone please refresh my memory as to what "vibrant" means in the Democratic Tweeders Dictionary?

Anonymous said...

In the case of LIC Vibrant= an overcrowded, impersonal, and overpriced environment most similar to Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so Mighty John Young can talk in straight, concise sentences!

I guess the audience had developers and not the public that would require his usual mumble jumble double talk to confuse and distract those that PAY HIS SALARY!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

John Young is just a sphincter kissing "A"-hole !

Anonymous said...

The waterfront as a place to meet and get togther ...

for the rich developers...

the press never tells the public that they will be cut off from the waterfront.

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