Friday, February 1, 2008

Jamaica Center is crap central

Today, I went shopping in Jamaica Center, one of the few places in the city whee you can still bargain the price of your clothing. Price tags can easily be ignored "just for you, my friend." That's what I like about shopping here- it's cheap, and the customer gets to argue the price.

Attached are photos of crappy things in this shopping district.

The first photo is an ad for a home posted on a tree. The economy must be doing great when homeowners are this desperate to sell. Expect prices to plunge further. I wouldn't be surprised if this ad was posted by a desperate bank.

The second photo shows a city-owned garage on 168th Street and Archer Avenue. What really surprises me is that this otherwise ugly garage has a "1969 AD" cornerstone. How many garages do you know come with cornerstones?

- anonymous


georgetheatheist said...

And notice the city-owned garage's corner stone sez "1969 A.D". That's Anno Domini - translated "the year of the Lord", i.e. Jesus Christ. Rampant Xtianity at the car-park!

Anonymous said...

Big deal. Why not have a secular "revolutionary" calendar with 1776 being counted as Year One? Even the godless Soviets didn't go that far.

Anonymous said...

Don’t get upset George. It probably was a church before it was “modified”.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I thought Flushing was a bad place to go, Jamaica is a total waste of a place.

Anonymous said...

That garage is actually being RFP'd by EDC right now for housing and retail.

Anonymous said...

a "secular revolutionary calendar" would actually be a great idea. So let's have two calendars from now on, giving us the opportunity to celebrate New Year's twice, hicup, hicup. ;)

Anonymous said...

Its sad when you consider that at one time people from all around Long Island went to Jamaica for shopping, etc.

It was perhaps the most important center on the island until Long Island City became the county seat.

Now it is a joke. A sad joke.

Anonymous said...

Sad to see that happen.
I grew up in QV and my mom worked at Gertz in Jamaica. It was a wonderful place way back. Good stores like Macys and Gertz. Hub of transportation due to the old BMT, LIRR, the Bus Terminal at 165th st. And back then the Valencia was a first class theater. Remember seeing Laurence of Arabia when it came out on the big screen there.
But it slowly died in the 60s and 70s. There was some hope when they tore down the el.
Sad to see that never happened.
But then in my old neighborhood seems like ever patch of grass has been paved over for use as a place to park cars.

georgetheatheist said...

Long Live America!

Date: February 2, 232 A.J. (Anno Jefferson, 2008 - l776)

Anonymous said...

What makes me laugh is that for the past three months the Queenscrapper has repeatedly ridiculed and complained about the re-development of Jamaica yet now he complain's about it's present condition.
Either you are against the development of Jamaica and you like the way it is OR you think it's a sorry state of a neighborhood with potential that needs to be re-developed.
Pick a side and stay on it you flip-flopper.

Queens Crapper said...

"Either you are against the development of Jamaica and you like the way it is OR you think it's a sorry state of a neighborhood with potential that needs to be re-developed."

First of all, this was sent in by a reader, not taken by me. Second of all, asking the city to keep its garages looking presentable and makeshift ads off of public utility poles doesn't require the "redevelopment" of an entire neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I though that Donald Manes
"diverted"all the money that had been earmarked
for Flushing to "revitalize" Jamaica.

Some improvement!

Now we've got two crap centers in Queens
Flushing & Jamaica!

Maybe that's a bargain ....two for the price of one!

Anonymous said...

You can redevelop the area, but you cannot develop the people.

The areas reflect the people who live there.

Rejin L. said...

"You can redevelop the area, but you cannot develop the people... The areas reflect the people who live there."

In this case what is reflected is that the people are poor and working class. They can't afford the goods sold at higher quality stores, and they can't afford to McMansionize the houses. Why do you have to insult a whole neighborhood full of good, hardworking people?

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