Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

Looks like Pinky is gettin some more granny lovin'. Will he ever learn?

Anonymous said...

He likes women with removable choppers. I won't elaborate.

Anonymous said...

Dennis is an expert at getting the girdle undone.

Anonymous said...

"Hey I happen to have an access-a-ride application back at my office."

Anonymous said...

Wanna come upstairs and see my etchings?

Anonymous said...

thanks, now I need to wash my eyes out....with bleach.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Pinky used to get excited over the "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" commercial. Ah, an elderly old biddie, already lying prone on the floor, helpless and vulnerable. Easy pickings, right Pinkerella?

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see the "candy"
that Bubba has ready for the pink SOB!

(It's all wrapped in red).

Anonymous said...

I just heard that Pinky brought his latest "conquest"
to the "Antiques Roadshow" for an appraisal.

Wonder what the Keno brothers will have to say.

Anonymous said...

I hope he breaks his teeth on
one of the stale caramels in his Valentine gift box.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was a gift box?. Judging by the look on the pink predators puss, I assumed it was a box of condoms.

Anonymous said...


Someone should give that boy a 'Friends in High Places' award.

Anonymous said...

I believe he is a past recipient.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Sweet Dennis,

At last, at last, we will celebrate a late Valentine's Day, just the two of us (and a bottle of KY Jelly) in our private connubial cell.



Anonymous said...

Dear Bubba:

Keep your cell and KY to yourself. I've beat the rap.

Perhaps you'll be seeing some other civic community leaders soon and can choose your bf.



Anonymous said...

THis Bubba stuff is repulsive.

georgetheatheist said...

Check out his hand in the photo: the epitome of the term "limp-wristed"

Anonymous said...

Look at this face. They should call him Piggy instead of Pinky...

Anonymous said...

"Dear Bubba:

Keep your cell and KY to yourself. I've beat the rap.

Perhaps you'll be seeing some other civic community leaders soon and can choose your bf.



Dearest Dennis,

We all know what you beat. You used up all the jelly doing it. Please write again. I'm all aquiver thinking of our honeymoon.
Keep a tight grip until after the sentence.
Why do you refer to "other civic community leaders"? Do you believe you are a civic leader? Of what? What are your accomplishments? Who has benefited from your time on earth?


Bubba ("repulsive" Bubba to your jealous lickspittle lovers)

Anonymous said...

I hope he breaks his teeth on
one of the stale caramels in his Valentine gift box

And that would be the green ones, the yellow ones or that really funky black incisor?

Anonymous said...

I went to Gallagher's "Pink Patriots" blog and he is still up to his old tricks again. He had claimed last year that he had secured $1 million dollars for St. Saviors in the budget for the current fiscal year. Now he claims a "budget modification" is necessary for the funding of such a project. My sources down at city hall tell me the money was not in this years fiscal budget, and would have needed to be a budget modification all along. The problem is that gallagher was not the one who secured the funding. It turns out that the parkside group was twisting arms to get they funding. According to several democratic insiders I spoke to, parkside is the privately incorporated "sister organization" to the queens democratic machine. They control the Queens city council delegation (13 members out of 51, 14 if you count pinky because he is an ass licking douche who votes with them to suck up for a job after term limits). The queens delegation voted as a block when it came time to elect the current speaker, Chrissy Quinn, and it was their votes which put her over the top. This means the queens machine/parkside wields more power than any political entity in this city. Since parkside was representing the developer the funding was a no-brainer. Just a few phone calls to the speaker and the queens council delegation and it was a done deal. Now that the developer has been knocked out of the box, say goodbye to the funding. Pinky never secured anything. He was a shill for the parkside, and not a good one at that. My sources tell me that the Mayor's staff, the republican delegation, and the rest of the council have no use for pinky. His dishonorable sleezeball tactics and games he's been playing at city hall for the last several years have worn thin. I heard they wouldn't even give him tickets for seats to the giants superbowl celebration at city hall.

Pinky is an empty suit trying to create an illusion that he is something more than he is. Like the wizard of Oz he has been outed, and now he is trying to blame the JPCA for his problems. He is so mentally unbalanced he even claims on his blog that the JPCA conspired with the queens DA to frame him for rape! He is a flawed, insecure little man with a napoleon complex. Now he has added community laughing stock to his resume.

Dennis, why don't you just admit you were wrong??? Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect. Sometimes money is tight and people do things they normally would not do. Now is your chance to be the bigger man, and actually live up to your role as a community leader for once. Posting rants and middle school name calling on your blog is pathetic, even for an individual. When you add the fact that you are a councilman it is compounded 100 fold.

I feel terrible for your wife and kids who have been swept away in the wake of destruction that your borderline personality has inflicted on everyone in your orbit. God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous said...

he's squinting, indicating that something may've be written on the heart. Wonder what?

Anonymous said...

he's squinting, indicating that something may've be written on the heart. Wonder what?

If that's the woman I remember and the box she gave Pinky, the inscription read;

"Even though fate has given you a small intellect and provided an even lesser manhood appendage, I give you this box of chocalates so your multi colored teeth can rot evenly."

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweetheart, you have a Valentine's gift for your councilman. How nice, I must show you my office. Do you have some time on Friday night. I'll get my stuttering dumbass attorney, Joke LaSala, to drop off some wine. Do you have a friend for the Jokester? He's kinda down and out and feeling blue.

Anonymous said...

(with apologies to: Right Said Fred

I'm too sexy for my wife too sexy for my wife
Wife’s going to leave me

I'm too sexy for my job too sexy for my job
So sexy it hurts
And I'm too sexy for Maspeth too sexy for Glendale
New York and taxpayers

And I'm too sexy for your party
Too sexy for your party
No way I'm a real Republican

I'm an official you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the cellblock
Yeah on the cellblock on the cellblock yeah
I do my little turn on the cellblock

I'm too sexy for my bar too sexy for my bar
Too sexy by far
And I'm too sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my hat ‘cos I shit in my hat

I'm an official you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the cellblock
Yeah on the cellblock on the cellblock yeah
I shake my little tushy on the cellblock

I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my

'Cos I'm an official you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the cellblock
Yeah on the cellblock on the cellblock yeah
I shake my little tushy on the cellblock

I'm too sexy for my bubba too sexy for my bubba
Poor pussy poor pussy cat
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my wife
Wife's going to leave me Bubba’s going to cleave to me

And I'm too sexy for this song

Anonymous said...

"My sources tell me that the Mayor's staff, the republican delegation, and the rest of the council have no use for pinky."

Not true. Oddo and Vallone think he's the cat's meow. Two idiot Guido politicians running for higher office coming out in support of an accused rapist. Very smart. Hopefully their affiliation with the Pink will sink them.

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