Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fed up in Dutch Kills

“The City Council needs to pass a law that when rezoning is in effect, a moratorium has to be put on that no more permits are issued for new buildings to go up until zoning is complete,” [Jerry] Walsh said.

Dutch Kills Residents Suffer Amid Rezoning

Many residents feel it is already too late. “We screamed at the wrong time,” said 10-year Dutch Kills resident Tracey Florio, who lives on 28th Street. “We should have been screaming for years.”

One of Florio’s biggest fears is continued development. “They’re going to let other buildings come in, and as long as that cement is poured, we’re dead.”

Florio said if the city can stop development now, she would be able to live with what has already happened.

Her home sits next to a business that, “as of right,” added an additional floor, blocking out several windows on the side of her home.

While Florio gets along well with her neighbor, she noted that in many cases the city has been giving out building permits without looking carefully enough at what has been happening in the community.

Vienna Ferreri’s home on 27th Street stands next to what will be a nine-story hotel. She said the construction process “has been a nightmare from inception.”

Ferreri’s home was attached to the neighboring building. She believes its demolition left her basement exposed and prone to flooding. “This house is 80 years old,” she said. “Is it going to withstand? It’s not.”

Like many of her neighbors, Ferreri is suspicious, and believes the rezoning process has been held up to allow developers to take advantage of the old zoning rules. “They scooped up every property that they could,” she said, adding that one of the biggest issues now is finding parking in the area.


Anonymous said...

Sure, rush through the new zoning and save the area for .... development!!

The few buildings being put up is nothing compared to the wall of monsters proposed.

They want to save this area for big time development, and are afraid the handful of hotels will convert its wonderful promise to immigrant dorms and section 8 housing.


Let it be a cautionary tale for any jerk that looks for more development.

In 20 years I propose calling it the Jerry Walsh Historic District. He was warned time and time again that this would happen, and, not being the most savvy in these things listened to what Georgie told him.

Anonymous said...

I love how no politician is in sight.

Nor are they demanding any to show up at a public meeting.

Maybe they will blame this on Bush, or Pataki. Someone vaguely political, but of course, unaccountable.

Anonymous said...

That is sad. The rezoning held up. And when it passes, kiss what is left goodby.

Note that no one is held responsible for this mess, the community board, elected officials, newspapers, and leadership of Dutch Kills civic.

No one is being held responsible.

Every anger is met by double talk (Mighty John Young) and shrugs.

All the tell them to do is rush through the development rezoning ... and don't talk to the outside (which might hold up the process.) So they are cut off from the last possible source of help.

Instead of a handful of towers, the new zoning will increase the rentalable space 4 times in the community thus insuring the communtiy's complete destruction.

But they can cash in and make lots of money!!!

Anonymous said...

It's too little and too late Mr. Walsh.

That what comes of falling asleep at the wheel.

Brace yourself ,
for your community is about to hit the wall!

You proven to be some "civic leader"!

Anonymous said...

It is time for a change in who guides this community based association.

The leaders of the Dutch Kills Civic Association are only leading the few residents that have held on to the little hope they have left. Following the path that is set right now will only lead to the tunnel of Developers, (a slaughter if you will).

We have lost sight on what the fight is for, leaders of battles listen to their people, and if the people are few and no longer interested in fighting, then the leaders have no reason to head into battle.

It is time for the Old Lion to be removed, the pride is growing and the lion is falling. A lion by default is the very reason one should look for new leadership.

Keep your eyes and ears open, follow your heart and put your fears aside. If you do nothing, then when it is all over, you can say you "did nothing" and enjoy the new Walsh Development.

Or you can look around and open your heart to what you feel. Don't give up on your cause, fight for your home and land. United we can make a push for a better life here in Dutch Kills. Even if we loose, and the land is turned into all Hotels, you can say "I helped lead the fight" to a better way of living in Dutch Kills.

God help Dutch Kills!

Anonymous said...

God help Dutch Kills.

He had better because you can get none from your civic's leadership, community board, elected officials, or, most sadly, the city wide preservation community.

Indeed, Queens Civic Congress actually helped them rezone.

I should say, the downzoning eastern Queens based Queens Civic Congress helped one of their few western Queens chapters take some of the developement off THEIR backs and put it on THEIRS.

Wow were they successful!

Maybe QCC can add to their western Queens membership (with developer and business groups in that part of the borough) who would be spokemen that would welcome even more development for western Queens (and take pressure away from eastern Queens).

Anonymous said...

Where is Mickeljohn? Why dont they ask her and Hunter College to come back and chat about her proposals to add to the development?

Nice if the newspapers would cover that meeting.

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