Sunday, February 3, 2008

DOB fails to prevent deaths

More and more construction workers are plunging from the crop of new towers sprouting across the city, but officials are doing little to identify and track problem contractors, a Daily News investigation has found.

Hi-rise death, falling debris stir probe

And workers aren't the only ones in danger. Concrete has fallen from dizzying heights. Metal bolts have landed on pedestrians. Steel buckets have crushed taxicabs.

That's the steep price for the city's supercharged building boom, which sparked a 12% increase in high rise development last year - and a staggering 83% spike in construction accidents.

Graphic from Daily News


Anonymous said...

the police should make a new
(to signify people arriving dead, at precincts, through ineptitude of the DOB)

Anonymous said...

Gee, where are the immigrant advocacy groups we see spread across the newspapers each week?

Why don't they fight this exploitation?

Taking money from politicians for useful 'programs' and bleeting about 'affordable housing' of course.

Anonymous said...

DOB take 2 weeks to investigate a complaint. By the time they do the issue is usually already hidden or cannot access the property.

The ticking bomb is when illegal conversion takes place without a permit or inspection, electrical work, plumbing - gas, structual including egress code will eventually cause injury or death to neighboring residents and rescue workers - first responders.

How long can this continue?

Anonymous said...

DOB, "hizzoner", et al.
all consider this acceptable collateral damage
in their quest for fulfilling their vision of
New York/Emerald City 2030 !

The dead have few rights.....only rites !

Immigrant (illegal or otherwise) have even less !

Anonymous said...

this acceptable collateral damage
in their quest for fulfilling their vision of
New York/Emerald City 2030 !

hey look at hdc's 2030 seminar - instead of fighting lets learn how to live with the beast.

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