Friday, February 1, 2008

Czech this out

Nothing makes me hungrier than seeing a cartoon of the steaming severed head of an animal.


Anonymous said...

Porkfest? Where do I sign up?

Anonymous said...

a platter of pig brain,
how mouth-watering!

Anonymous said...

Calm down, Dennis. This is about a restaurant serving swine.

verdi said...

Now maybe if Pinky's head
was being served on a plate with some nice fava beans,
I might be inclined to dive in !

Anonymous said...

Hey, you are what you eat!

Anonymous said...

Bohemian Hall is great. The only traditional beer garden left in New York City. Any day, the transplanted Manhattan yuppies will destroy this place too.

Long live the czechs and the slovaks.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I thought Porkfest was Queens Crap's new term for the borough's politics.

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