Friday, February 1, 2008

Crapping up Domino

Looks like the old Domino factory in Williamsburg is getting the LIC Powerhouse treatment. So much for landmarking!

Domino Sugar Factory Proposed Addition Revealed

Photo from Brownstoner


Anonymous said...

Sohmer will be a thigh slapper too, so I understand.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's bad enough they saved that ugly old building, but now they're going the extra mile to make it really look like an eyesore. I am so glad my tax dollars paid to landmark this.

Anonymous said...

Who cares. I use "Equal"and my wife uses "Splenda"!

Anonymous said...

I guess the "connected" doctor/owner of Sohmer
is used to getting his way!

Thanks....bumbling Bob of the LPC !

Anonymous said...

Why do these f'in architects and developer assholes think that in order to adapt an older structure for a new use, some hideous pile of glass or metal has to be deposited on top?

It's just like how dogs have to piss or shit on something to leave 'their mark'.

Anonymous said...

What are they intending to do with this huge design, fit the entire population of Mexico in it?

A pig with lipstick is all.

verdi said...

This is a new age use of glass,
just like that horrendous pyramid
in front of the Louvre in Paris !

Ole Bastard Bob at the LPC
is impressed with this sort of thing
and is merely following suit
in approving of this addition!

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