Sunday, January 27, 2008

Under the Triborough Bridge

The folks at the Parks Department know where people want to sit - and play basketball.
What ambiance!


Anonymous said...

Such a lovely place to take the kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey fools - the benches were set up this way so that gang members would have cover from the elements and hidden from passing patrol cars.

Of course it's easier for someone sitting there to be mugged in the proper manner. What's wrong with that!

georgetheatheist said...

Actually, there were some nice handball courts there which are now useless because of the storage of construction material.

Joergen Geerds said...

This is by far a better alternative than what's under the 59th st bridge:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the basketball courts have been there for years and are heavily used. The benches are in a weird place though.

Anonymous said...

So what exactly should go in place of basketball courts that are used by the community, despite what some of you may think, people dont drive in from the bronx to use these courts....people from the community do. So should the basketball courts be removed to make way for parking, adding to congestion? Should toxic astroturf be placed under the bridge? Hows about low income housing? No, No, and No. To me, this is the best use for this space, it may not be green, but then again, thats why basketball courts are there. It is a place for people to get some exercise and enjoy themselves. Or maybe we should remove the courts so the gang members really have nothing to do and come hang out by your houses.

Anonymous said...

"Such a lovely place to take the kids."

If you want to play basketball, maybe. If not, take the 1 block walk to Astoria Park. Where there is grass and trees and tennis courts. That sounds like a lovely place to take the kids.

Anonymous said...

How about a community center where kids can play basketball year-round and people from the community can sit and watch, and which can keep the gang members out?

Anonymous said...

Building any type of facility under the bridge would make repairs to the bridge very difficult. I am pretty sure this is why nothing was ever put here, and typically why you dont usually see structures built under bridges. The only option would be a bubble like those used for tennis courts, but those require constant air pumped into them to keep the bubbles inflated. Who will pay for that?

Anonymous said...

There's a restaurant under the Queensboro Bridge, so I don't see how a gym would pose a problem.

Anonymous said...

I really dont think there is enough room to build any type of structure there. There are too many columns.

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