Saturday, January 19, 2008

Temple will become mosque

The possible sale of a synagogue in Holliswood to a Muslim group is raising some opposition in its Jewish congregation as well as other local temples that wish to see the site used by a different organization.

For Sale To Anyone? Temple’s Sale To Islamic Group Raises Specter Of Underlying Fears

Temple Israel of Jamaica recently merged with Temple Emanuel in New Hyde Park and is looking to sell its now unused synagogue to Ahmadiyya Movement of Islam, though the sale still is in It’s early stages and has yet to go before Temple Israel’s congregation for a vote.

Ahmadiyya, a moderate Muslim group, has been in the borough since 1984 and has a headquarters in Holliswood. It has 64 chapters in the United States and locations all over the world, including Israel.

Over the past year, several reform and conservative temples in Queens have merged, citing the borough’s changing demographics; the older Jewish population is dying out and the younger population is moving away. Between 1990 and 2000, the Jewish population in New York City decreased 22 percent, Lieber noted in a previous Tribune article.


Anonymous said...

so now they've expanded to holliswood. before they simply erected their mosques directly across from GreekOrthodox Churches or on the same block as them. guess they ran outta churches,so now build them in Jewish areas.hitler learned from the turks,but the ethnic armenians and other OrthodoxChristians had to pay for their train tickets. yes,we are such a tolerant society but we still fail to understand their intolerance. if the Jewish community questions or simply states they don't want to be surrounded by mosques,burkHas,hijabs,screaming kids from their ALL day and nite programs,they'll simply get sued.
wait'll they buy more real estate and set up their learning centers which stay open very late,and wait'll their community board tells the residents that they cannot park their own cars on the street because "they" need the parking spaces and YES,2 times community board 1 appropriated the entire block of 36th st from ditmars to 24th avenue for the mosque---in spite of municipal lots,one subway station a 2 minute walk away and 2 bus lines---residents were told NO PARKING BY ORDER OF NYPD and when the board was called on this we were told it was a necessity. ( ?? ! )you had to see their big men PATROLLING the street--supposedly if someone had to move a car..yeah,they were out to make sure nobody gave them 4 flats. unreal.

Anonymous said...

This deal won't go down.

Anonymous said...

the aging Jewish population in NYC is in exodus.

There goes the Stavisky "alta cakka"voting block.

Maybe we'll see an end to their dynastic chicanery !

Anonymous said...

Faces may change, but tweeding endures.

The clubhouse would encourage kennels in Queens (and pass the needed zoning and kenalration givaways to encourage it) if dogs could vote.

Anonymous said...

"If dogs could vote"......I like that!

What about cats for Katz ?

Anonymous said...

I'm Jewish, myself, and just see this as an ironic twist of fate, and a rather funny one at that.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure whichever religious group
ultimately occupies this spot.......
they're likely to have a fat purse
in order to acquire this costly piece
of real estate.

Anonymous said...

Sharia Law for all!

Unknown said...

"Love for All, hatred to none". May peace be upon the Anonymous. I feel he needs it very much. Amen.

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