Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Return to the Court of Crap

Curbed has revisited the Court of Crap. And this rendering really gives you an idea of how hideous it will be.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but that is a nice looking building. That is a great concept, by transitioning the modern with the traditional, paying respect to the past but moving into the future. Embrace it, its almost 2010.

Anonymous said...

If they were going to produce something that fugly, they should have just demolished the building.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why, if they were going to use glass, they couldn't at least choose a color that better fits with the existing design, like bronze.

Anonymous said...

We all should thank Borough President Marshall for this fiasco.

Anonymous said...

This design is insulting. Anyone who likes this has his head up his ass.

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't the courthouse be given a public use as a school or library? Why was it transferred so easily into private hands?

Anonymous said...

LIC has its "green pickle" (the City Corp. building) .

Now Jamaica has the "green aircraft carrier".....
moored right behind the old courthouse !

Tee-hee.....(Dec. 7th buffs)..... Banzai !

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't the courthouse be given a public use as a school or library? Why was it transferred so easily into private hands?

I don't understand why, if they were going to use glass, they couldn't at least choose a color that better fits with the existing design, like bronze.

A give-away and poor architectual intergration and transitional design. Why not incorporate a school into the space - the area needs it or at least will when the housing is filled. The grand old portion is chopped away - a disgrace. Another fine example of the cleansing of the fine architectual building left in Queens. Moral decay continuing at full speed ahead on the good ship of Capt. Helen Marshall - time she retired.

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great rendering. A similar concept was built in the revitilization of Bellvue hospital on First Ave and it turned out beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That "Bellevue commenter " belongs in Bellevue.

He must be the "architect"
or his construction company's rep or sub-contractor!

Anonymous said...

looks like that scene in "Fountainhead" where some committe urges the architect Howard Rourke to place greek columns in front of his modern skyscraper...In the end he blows up the building when they build it with the greek columns contrary to his vision. I guess there are no architects around with that type of integrity anymore. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Errr...Using AlucoBond metal cladding in a SeaFoam finish is just plain fugly! My God I could have done a better design than that. Tsk!Tsk!

Anonymous said...

Some of these bloggers who like this monstrosity must be members of the Queens AIA. Just look at the borough to see their work. Enough said.

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