Friday, January 18, 2008

A letter from Elizabeth Crowley

Bio from 2001: Elizabeth graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology Magna Cum Laude. Currently, she attends CUNY Graduate School where she is getting her Masters' Degree in Education.

Occupation: Public School Teacher/Union Painter


Anonymous said...

Nice work Crapper! This fraud must be exposed. Dizzie Lizzie Crowley is a complete joke. Where in her resumé is the fact that she hooked up (and should be locked up) with that crook Brian McLaughlin?

Anonymous said...

Kathy Masi wrote that letter and is acting as Elizabeth's pimp.

Masi should listen to herself once in awhile instead of talking over everyone.

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while people who know much say little." Rousseau

Anonymous said...

And she wants to improve education?

She should start by going back to the 8th grade and learn how to write a simple letter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Crowley - of the Elmhurst Crowleys. You know, the political dynasty thing... unfortunately the genes have been watered down through the generations, just like the Kennedys.

Anonymous said...

What an endorsement for CUNY graduate school!

georgetheatheist said...

The march of the errata and just poor syntax:

1. 3rd paragraph: insert comma after "more then[sic] ever"

2. 3rd paragraph: "for our kids, for our parents, for our community, for our future". (She forgot "for our dogs, for our gerbils")

3. 3rd paragraph: It's "postgraduate" - one word.

4. last paragraph: insert comma after the first "New Year".

Queens Crapper said...

Thank you, George. (I'm not good with commas.)

Anonymous said...

The audacity of this woman to think she should be a public representative is deplorable. Does she think that she actually has any skills? Or does she just think she is entitled to public office because her family members have been elected to office?

Anonymous said...

What parent would want this illiterate moron anywhere near young children?

Think of this when you think "dynasty": Her brother's in jail for raping a fellow student (so much for an "educator"). She wants to be elected to the city council to replace the current District Rapist.

What's this story of this illiterate treating some fellow to lip service in a park several years ago? Is this the sexual escapades district?

Are we once again being asked to elect another pervert who cannot exercise any self control?

Get lost, perverted illiterate teacher/painter.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect....a benchmark of literacy?
This is a dumb Queens politico!

How many constituents
in our red-lined under-serviced neighborhoods
can read English anyway?

Anonymous said...

i agree, masi has a big mouth and we all know that she formed a phony civic association that never meets and has no membership. so why are the newspapers even recognizing her as worthy of a comment?

Anonymous said...

I think we are doomed.
Between Crowley, Como and Gallagher which is the lesser of three eveils?!?

dave in milwaukee said...

Paragraph 3, sentence 2: "I will work hard everyday. . . "

"Everyday" is an adjective. She should have said "every day."

If she can get someone to write and send her bullshit letters for her, can't she find someone to proofread them, too?

georgetheatheist said...

Joel Klein: Elizabef, if you don't get relected, I'll make youse Deputy Mayer for Edoocashun.

Queens Crapper said...

I updated the letter to include the pickups by George and Dave.

Anonymous said...

All of you hated Crowley last time she ran for council and you all voted for Pinkly Gallagher.
I hope you got what you wanted.

Anonymous said...

Yeah like Elizabeth Crowley would be any better than Gallagher. Some choice. Her morals are even worse than Gallagher's.

Anonymous said...

This woman already has $70,000 lined up?


Crappy, give us a breakdown and lets see who wants to mortgage our community.

Queens Crapper said...

If you insist...

E. Crowley campaign contributions

Anonymous said...

wow. i would like to see the articles that she enclosed. was she able to cut them out on her own? And whats up with sassy masi. i guess she figures gallagher won't be around to fund her phony civic, so she'll latch on to dizzie lizzie.

Anonymous said...

hey has anyone sent her letter to the newspapers?? Let them print it. Maybe we can hold a contest. Who can find the most mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Read the list of campaign contributions, it's very informative.

The Crowleys gave very little; perhaps they know her best. Or, is the entire family too illiterate to be permitted near a checkbook?

How much did Francis The Rapist Crowley contribute? Verify his in-kind contributions.

Anonymous said...

Zecca, Anna
Medford, NY 11763
Type: Ind homemaker
Ref No: R0000630
Filing:4(I) Sched:ABC $50.00

Am I hallucinating or is this woman bob holden's sister in law????????

I thought bob was running for that seat??????

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the overall clumsy language. Who is this boob?

Anonymous said...

I thought bob was running for that seat??????

I guess you were wrong.

Anonymous said...

It's insulting to the people of Glendale that Elizabeth "I'll sleep with anyone that can help me get elected" Crowley resurfaces after 6 years and now uses a phony platform from the phony Glendale Civic Ass'n.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Charles Ober from Ridgewood will run for city council. He has been mentioned for a while and I am hoping that he will jump in soon. Elizabeth cannot compare her resume to Mr. Ober's. Where has she been since her last miserable attempt of running in 2001? NOWHERE. Mr. Ober the time has come to make your announcement.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, someone new, fresh with a real work ethic should run. I heard about a potential candidate, who calls himself JR, and believes that the district need to re-aligned in favor of the resident's needs.

Anonymous said...

I love Elizabeth Crowley
talk all you want but she is a great council member & didn't sleep her way into anything to get where she is today.Shes a great person with great ideas maybe if you pulled you heads out of your asses you'll actually realizes this!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK CROWLEY <3

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