Sunday, January 20, 2008

Katz a Kash Kow

Melinda Katz may not be a household name, but she’s in charge of the most powerful committee in the City Council and has helped shepherd through legislation that has changed the landscape of development in New York City.

As the chair of the council’s Land Use Committee, Katz makes hundreds of high-voltage zoning decisions and hears requests from developers and property owners that often require her to balance preservation with the omnipresent construction that has defined her tenure in the council.

Katz gets help from industry heavy hitters

Now, the Queens Democrat is looking for a promotion and is considered one of the frontrunners in the race to become the city’s next comptroller.

Katz’s position as head of the Land Use Committee gives her a unique perch to raise money from. And, she has been effectively leveraging it.

Several major developers are helping her raise cash, and her finance committee is filled with some of the biggest real estate heavyweights in city. They include the CEO of the Extell Development Company, Gary Barnett; the head of the Durst Organization, Douglas Durst; the father-and-son team at Two Trees Management, David and Jed Walentas; the president of the Related Companies, Jeff Blau; the president of Muss Development, Joshua Muss; and a number of others.

Her fundraising strategies are not unique. Many candidates turn to development and real estate contacts for cash. But her position gives her added clout and raises questions about how appropriate those contributions are.


Anonymous said...

Katz leads the Crapification of all NYC - don't let this happen - enough damage has been done by her.

Anonymous said...

Katz only admires the big $$$ and overdevelopment. Perhaps landmarking in neighborhoods including Richmond Hill, Forest Hills, Maspeth, Rego Park, Astoria are not getting underway because of her doings. She's the Chair of Land Use and can crush landmarking efforts in their tracks. Landmarks Chair Robert Tierney prefers her approval in advance for many neighborhoods and buildings, even though it's not part of the Landmarks Law. So there you have it! Just check out her campaign contributions.

Anonymous said...

It will be very easy to sink Katz. Just bring up the fact that she has been joined at the hip to a soon-to-be-convicted rapist since 2001.

Anonymous said...

And was hired as a 'babysitter' by Alan Hevesi.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"It will be very easy to sink Katz. Just bring up the fact that she has been joined at the hip to a soon-to-be-convicted rapist since 2001."

She is so joined at the hip that she raises money at the "soon-to-be-convicted" rapist's very own hangout.

She attended all his fundraisers; expect him to now be the guest of honor at hers. (Or, will he just be the guest on her? He does have tendencies, you know. And, so does she.)

Anonymous said...

She's the chair of the land use committee, yet parts of her district have been waiting for 4 years to be downzoned. What does that say about her?

Anonymous said...

That's funny as hell...Katz having a fundraiser where Pinky practices his pickup lines. Oh, God, please save us from these pigs.

Anonymous said...

like Yond Cassius she has a "lean and hungry look."

Anonymous said...

She's having a fundraiser at a known wiseguy hangout? Wow

Anonymous said...

This is not just a simple street slut.

She's a queen among courtesans.....
politically sleeping with all the big fellas!

All my "respects" to her in that department.

Nevertheless.....after she's through.....
her "clients" leave their money on her "nightstand"
before they exit!

She's obviously willing
to go all the way for her builder friends
if she becomes comptroller.

verdi said...

Maybe after all the dots are connected.....
and a CAREFUL examination of the WHOLE GANG
(Hevesi, Mc Laughlin, Gallagher etc.) is completed.....
they might all be holding hands in a holding cell !

We live in hope !

Anonymous said...

Not one person I know has anything good to say about Melinda Katz.
Even her neighbors on Metropolitan Avenue say that she's useless.

verdi said...

Oh.....I don't know.....
I understand she does a mean lap dance
when there's some money to be had from a developer!

Wouldn't you call that kind of talent sort of useful?

Anonymous said...

Watch out Melinda!

That nose that's up your butt
ain't one of your real estate "admirers".....
it just might be one of those same fellas from the FBI
that sniffed out Mc Laughlin and (ha, ha, ha, giggle)
your former "canoodling" partner Hevesi !

Anonymous said...

I understand they're considering re-naming
the Queens Midtown Tunnel.

The "Katz/Mc Laughlin /Gallager Getaway Crossing"

Anonymous said...

Katz and Gallagher are "joined at the hip" ?

At least she can't claim rape.....
since their "relationship" is, obviously, consensual .

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....
where does that leave
La Menage a la Mc Laughlin ?

Anonymous said...

This pig takes huge money from developers and then she's going to stand there and say she's fighting for the interests of her constituents?

Politicians don't get any more corrupt than Melinda Katz.

georgetheatheist said...

Would you look at that "do" of hair. You need a road map to follow the direction of the strands. What a mess! Can you imagine what this creature's hair looks like when she wakes up in the morning? Hey Katz, get thee to a beauty parlor and change that rumpled mop-look already!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone care about someone's hair or clothes - please don't vote.

What I do care about is that besides deveopers and real estate honchos listed, also attending were honchos from Rent Stabil-zation (landlord organization) were also there with their checkbooks. Been claiming for years that's who she's been fighting for us. Also claiming never had taken a dime from landlords. Guess they never offered it until Land Use.

Anonymous said...

Now, now....boys & girls......
it's a hard life being a political errand girl
for the building trades.

Consider the lower back pain
from frequently stooping over.....
the chapped lips necessitating a liberal
application of lip gloss!

And she though she was going to be
the Katz large and easy!

verdi said...

As long as political office is for sale.....
we'll never have a democracy.....let alone a republic !

It's time for limited spending (with a cap)
publicly funded elections!

Anonymous said...

Katz certainly is a Kow!

She may not give milk....
but she sure as hell knows how
to milk the system !

"Kowa-bonga" !

(As the "Howdy Doody" show's
"Chief Thunder-thud" would have said) !

Anonymous said...

We need to get the word out about her. It’s great that we know she’s bad but we must make more people aware. We should print out the article posted on the 20st (Katz a Kash Kow) and distribute it around town. Let her know she needs to look out for her community!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see more people on the C.B.6 from Rego Park. At first I thought people weren’t signing up but now I think it has to do more with who Melinda. Katz wants on her board. Melinda. Katz the neighborhood is changing. It’s incredibly diverse and we need to have a diverse board. I’m not saying our board isn’t doing a great job. Thank you C.B. 6!

What I am saying is you have several seats that are open and you have the opportunity to create a board that is as diverse in nature as the community it serves.

Collaborative dialogue is just that collaborative and with a diverse board you’ll get a bigger picture of what your community needs and develop solutions for all of your constituents, some who live in Rego Park.

Make it happen this year!

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