Monday, January 21, 2008

Guess the landmark

To which official NYC landmark does this belong?
Here's a clue: it's in Queens!
The answer will be revealed tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

By the gate Bridge west of the USTC in Flushing Meadow ?
Oil slicks, sludge and homeless maniacs living in the brush and under the VQE there.

georgetheatheist said...

Give us another clue, Crapper, please, pretty please.

Anonymous said...

Is it Bowne House?

Terri Osborne did such a fantastic job of the Flushing Remonstance that it go lots of attention.


Anonymous said...

come on Crappy, give us another hint. This riddle of yours is a difficult as the Sphinx's.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess.... A view of weeds surrounding the internationally-recognized Unisphere?

Anonymous said...

Floor of the New York State pavilion at Flushing Meadows.

Queens Crapper said...

No, it's located a long way west of Flushing.

verdi said...

I'm gonna take a guess....west you say....
uh....weeds growing around....maybe
the N.Y. Terra Cotta Works building ?

Unless it's somewhere near .....
the landmarked Maspeth lamp post ?

I'm stumped!

Queens Crapper said...

You're getting closer with the Terra Cotta building. Now head north.

verdi said...

Hallet's Cove......
wait..... near the Sohmer Piano Factory ?

Anonymous said...

One of these places, which are the only landmarked spots in Queens, according to Wikipedia:

35-34 Bell Boulevard (October 2004) [105]

Astoria Park Pool and Play Center (June 2006) [106]

Fire Engine Company No. 258 (June 2006) [107]

Fitzgerald/Ginsberg Mansion, (September 2005) [108]

Newtown High School (June 2003) [109]

Ralph Bunche House (May 2005) [110]

Richmond Hill Republican Club (December 2002) [111]

Unisphere (May 1995) [112]

Flushing High School (1991)

Anonymous said...

Astoria Pool!!!

georgetheatheist said...

I give up! Vallone Jr.'s head with the thinning hair?

Anonymous said...

Old filled in Missle silo off City Island next to potters field.
Perhaps Pinkys new home after he rats all his "friends" (and I dont mean the Boy Scouts) out in a deal with the DA to save his ass.

Anonymous said...

Vanderbilt Motor Speedway, Alley Pond Park, Queens.

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