Monday, January 21, 2008

DOB commissioner breaks own policy


The Department of Buildings commissioner responsible for making sure that developers and builders follow the letter of the law is in violation of city policy himself - he's working without a current engineering license, The Post has learned.

Manhattan Buildings Commissioner Christopher Santulli, listed as a state licensed professional engineer on the agency's Web site, does not have an up-to-date license with the state Office of the Professions, which identifies him as "not registered."

According to the state agency, Santulli's license expired in July. A spokeswoman for the state said that the lapse means he should not be practicing here.

Santulli, who oversees inspectors who monitor building sites such as the Trump SoHo tower where a laborer died during a construction collapse last week, holds a civil-engineering degree from SUNY Buffalo.

Asked about the lapse in licensing, a Buildings Department spokeswoman said yesterday that Santulli never received any correspondence from the state about his license coming up for renewal.


Anonymous said...

I guess that Santulli is "self certifying".....
ha, ha, ha !

This is yet another low point in how the DOB
(Dept. of Bumbling & Bribes) continues to do business
as Commish Lancaster ?

It's time for you to step down before DOI indicts you !

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk......
he was so busy "attending" to builders
that he lost track of his expired license !

Gee, the dog ate my homework!

if you and I tried driving
without a valid driver's license,
there would be hell to pay !

And what if a surgeon's NYS license wasn't current ?

If I were the family of the deceased,
I'd sue Santulli.....among others!
(I'd certainly sue Trump. He's got deep pockets).

Anonymous said...

Santulli's excuse is that the nanny failed to tell him that his license expired?

He hasn't got the organizational or management skills to take care of these things himself?

Perhaps he's very busy depositing money. Does he also deposit money for Lancaster? Does that explain why she is letting this pass?

Anonymous said...

This is not meant to diminish his responsibility for keeping his license current, but the employer is supposed to keep track of the licensure of their employees and ensure they are up-to-date with their paperwork. That's what they do at most companies.

faster340 said...

I don't rely on anyone to keep track of my business! My professional licenses are up to date. Why can't he keep his? That's bullshit!

He was on top of things enough to get the certifications in the first place, now stay on top of them to keep them.

Mommy isn't going to do it for you.

Anonymous said...

i am sure his job requires him to keep his lisc up to date wonder if any plans that he was involved with approving are now invalid

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