Sunday, January 27, 2008

Best Buy not the best choice

After a series of hearings and continuances, the property owner of Douglaston Plaza Shopping Center has withdrawn an application to the city Board of Standards & Appeals that would have seen the Waldbaum's grocery store replaced by a Best Buy electronics store.

Douglaston Best Buy site plans withdrawn

Jeffrey Chester, an attorney represented AAC Douglaston Plaza LLC, confirmed that his client was no longer pursuing the application to change the property's designation to allow an electronics store to operate without limitations to floor space.

Explaining the rationale for the Jan. 17 withdrawal, which came just nine days after the last BSA hearing, Chester said "it appeared to me as though we weren't going to get the decision we were looking for."

The property owner's desire to replace Waldbaum's had raised a hue and cry among area residents, who, backed by local politicians, asserted that a grocery store would far better serve the surrounding largely elderly community than an electronics outlet.


Anonymous said...

This is the same Jeffrey Chester Esq.
(of king maker Sid Davidoff's law firm....
Davidoff Malito & Partners)
that sold out Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

He represented the USTA
in a rotten 99 year lease/giveaway
of public parkland.
(Former Mayor David Dinkins
was his tennis playing buddy & accomplice)!

This deal makes NYC responsible for paying
hefty penalties for overhead jet plane noise.....
should it occur during the U.S. Open !

It's the return of an old scum bag !

Davidoff Malito & Partners contributed heavily
to C.M. Melinda Katz's political campaigns!

Marilyn said...

Nice blog. Keep up the good work. Cheers:-)

Anonymous said...

They moved a bunch of box stores into our neighborhood, replacing good paying manufacturing jobs with traffic and litter.

They benefitted.

The voter and taxpayer got garbage.

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