Friday, January 18, 2008

Bedbug meeting date set

Officials from the city's Housing Preservation & Development Department and Council members have set up town hall meetings in three boroughs to instruct residents on how to safely protect themselves from bedbugs. The meetings, one of which will take place on Feb. 5 in Astoria, are a response to the rise in complaints that city residents have filed against the insects, according to City Council Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Astoria).

Queens to host city's bedbug forum

In 2005, there were only 62 bedbug complaints, which soared to 366 last year, according to the city. Astoria had the third highest number of complaints, Vallone said. Although bedbugs do not transmit any diseases, they are still pose a health crisis for city residents according to the councilman.

The first meeting will take place on Jan. 28 in Washington Heights. The second forum was scheduled for Feb. 5 at Ricardo's Restaurant on 21-01 24th Ave. in Astoria from 8-9 p.m. The third meeting is slated to take place in Bushwick, Brooklyn on March 12.


Anonymous said...

That is what happens when the illegal laborors saunter unchecked and the basement apartments are filled with their families.

Astoria starts to look like the old horse and buggy days.

Anonymous said...

Well.....I'm glad to see they chose Astoria.....
home of the largest infestation in Queens! cuccarracha is now being joined
by his bed bug cousins!

Let's see if George Delis starts scratching
at the next CB#1 (community board from hell)

Anonymous said...

Astoria and Bushwick.

Nice way the community is heading, no?

Anonymous said...


Wow, did we miss the civic event of the new year or what?

sooooo impressive, civics in Astoria.

Bricklayer Onorato was a star! Two of the three tenors were there slamming Con Ed!

Maybe we all can learn something on the way they run their community.

The only lessons we can learn from them (ha ha) are not the ones they want us to learn (wink)

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