Saturday, October 6, 2007

Queens Boulevard, the musical?

Charles Mee travels 'Queens Boulevard'

It's quite a switch from adapting Greek tragedy to a musical set on the streets of the New York borough of Queens.

But Charles Mee, who is being celebrated this season at the Signature Theatre Company, has written "Queens Boulevard (the musical)," the next show at the company's Peter Norton Space. It follows his "Iphigenia 2.0," a freewheeling, modern-dress version of Euripides' classic tragedy.

"Queens Boulevard (the musical)," based on an Indian dance drama, follows the adventures of soon-to-be-wed man searching the borough for the perfect gift for his bride. Amir Arison plays Vijay, the groom; Michi Barall is Shizuko, the bride. The director is Davis McCallum and the choreographer Peter Pucci.

The musical begins preview performances Nov. 6 and opens Dec. 3 for a run through Dec. 30. Specially priced $20 tickets are available, but check the theater for availability. For tickets, call 212-244-PLAY, go online at or visit the theater's box office, 555 W. 42nd St.

Off Broadway musical based on Kathakali dance drama


Anonymous said...

there's something really disgusting about making a lively musical set on a blvd where so many people have been struck and killed by cars.

Anonymous said...

Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant QueenQueens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant s=IQueens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant mmigrQueens=Immigrant aQueens=Immigrant nt Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant Queens=Immigrant QueensQueens=Immigrant =ImmigranQueens=Immigrant t

ok, so I am having a little fun and using some imagination and creativity. Doesn't seem to be much with the musical so how about some for the promotion.


Anonymous said...

Democratic Dictionary:

As the 'u' always follows the 'Q', the word 'immigrants' always follows the word 'Queens.'

Anonymous said...

Talk about branding by the tweeded. Two million people for thirty years have been summed by one word:


or should we say illegal alien

or should we say the tweeded

or should we say cheap nannies and dishwashers and .....

Anonymous said...

Dont worry, all this will change overnight after another 9/11 or so.

Just wait ....

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are more than all come from immigration..ask your mama or your telling the truth ..if not the immigrants..Americans would drown in their own shit...lazy, obese..and just like you so disrespectful !!
Ps. Ask your favorite AMERICAN president who really should be blamed for 9/11 ?

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