Friday, October 12, 2007

Queen of Queens Crap sells out

A city pol sheds her grace on a campaign backer. How unsightly.

Money being the lifeblood of politics, one of the top tycoons in the outdoor-advertising business did his part this summer, collecting almost $70,000 for a favored politician.

The donations to Melinda Katz, the City Council member from Queens who is running for comptroller, came in 14 separate checks of $4,950 each, the maximum allowed for citywide elections.

The Ad Blitzers' Facade

Last month, Katz, who heads the council's powerful land-use committee, did some writing of her own, penning a new piece of legislation that has long been on the wish list of Schaps and his advertising colleagues. Katz's Intro 623 would allow advertisers for the first time to legally plant their messages, conveyed on glossy multi-colored vinyl wraps, atop the thousands of wooden sidewalk sheds that line the streets where building-façade work is allegedly being conducted.

Oh, Melinda....

Photo from Village Voice


georgetheatheist said...

"Maleenda, Maleenda,
She take me money and
Run Venezuela"

{Everybody: "Maleenda...."]

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many “individuals” contributed the maximum amount and there is no record of their occupation as required by the Campaign Finance Board!

Anonymous said...

C'mon now.. would you guys really care if it wasnt your "Queen of Queens Crap" who penned it?

They Advertise on the sheds already... WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE??

Queens Crapper said...

The point here is not whether or not advertising is good or bad, the point is that a lobbyist gave a politician gobs of dough and in return she wrote new legislation to help him out. Quid Pro Quo - time to call DOI.

Anonymous said...

They Advertise on the sheds already... WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE??

They live in basement apartments already. What's the difference? They jump the turnstiles already, what's the difference?

It's all illegal.

Carol said...

"Not the ugly houses and how people have more money than you, and your unhappiness on how they are spending it."

How do you know that the author has less money than the McMansionites?

Many of these tacky homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt and headed for bankruptcy. They are building these big ugly houses in Queens because they can't afford to pay Long Island's or New Jersey's taxes.

I thought the original post was very clever.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they'll put up an ad for her Katz house.....
you know what I mean.....the one of ill repute.

Even Melinda is surpassing herself these days
by parting her political thighs most obtusely
for this particular contributor !

Time to call the vice squad as well as DOI !

Anonymous said...

" Katz ... did some writing of her own, penning a new piece of legislation that has long been on the wish list of Schaps and his advertising colleagues ..."

My opinion? Katz the incompetent couldn't be relied up to write the bill that Schaps paid for. So, she turned in the assignment written by the customer.

She's the land use whore. Whatever the john wants ...

Anonymous said...

hmmm... a new entry for the Democratic Dictionary:

We all know what a 'Cat House' is.

How about a 'Katz House' - name for a completly out of character illegal queens crap, especially if a historic building was torn down for it.

Anonymous said...

to make it up to us perhaps she'll grace us with another song.

verdi said...

Well it looks like Alley Katz is still
some developer's "main squeeze" !

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