Tuesday, October 9, 2007

McLaughlin's turn

Brian McLaughlin, who served 14 years in the Assembly until he stepped down last year, has a pretrial conference in U.S. District Court in Manhattan on Thursday. The case will start jury selection on Monday.

Mr. McLaughlin, a Democrat of Queens, was replaced as head of the New York City Central Labor Council after a team of FBI agents swooped into his West 15th Street office in March 2006 and left with a number of padlocked briefcases. Seven months later, Mr. McLaughlin surrendered to authorities and pleaded not guilty to 44 counts of racketeering, embezzlement, conspiracy, and fraud. At the time, U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia said the allegations "add new meaning to the term ‘hand-in-the-till,'" and accused the labor boss of accepting bribes from city street lighting contractors.

Ex-Labor Leader's Anticipated Trial on Tap

Mr. McLaughlin could face life in prison if convicted.

(Bill Thompson really oughta get this photo off his website.)


Anonymous said...

Talking about accepting bribes
from street lighting contractors....
the name Welsbach Electric
comes to mind.

A citizen who was involved
in publicly criticizing Mc Laughlin......
found himself being "shadowed"
on a couple of occasions by Welsbach repair trucks.....
perhaps at thug Brian's behest ???

Anonymous said...

I hope they throw the book at him....
lock him up in a dark cell.....
and throw the key into the East river !

Anonymous said...

Unlike the gooey profiles of politicos in our local papers (reminds me of a high school girl crush rather than any hint of serious reporting) I just see a room full of politicians and have an instinctive urge to take a shower.

Anonymous said...

"Bill Thompson really oughta get this photo off his website"

He's the City Comptroller. He's supposed to have immaculate integrity. Instead, he presents this photo with him wearing a shit-eating smile, so proud of being associated with a crook.

Will McLaughlin become Gallagher's Bubba?

Anonymous said...

Where the heck did McLaughlin show up in a trench coat?

Anonymous said...

Check out the old movie "The Informer".....
every member of the Irish Republican Army
is expected to wear a trench coat.

Brian thought he looked like a tough Irish "Westie",
I suppose, and stole the idea.....along with
the Elec-chester little league money !

georgetheatheist said...

Trench coat? Nah, looks more like a bathrobe. What's McLauglin trying to pull? Another Vinnie "The Chin" Gigante number?

verdi said...

After Brian gets out of "the showers" in Attica....
he may need a bathrobe
to hide his damaged "manly" image !

That's the swishiest looking schmatta I've ever seen !

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