Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Jimmy the butt of a joke

Councilman James Oddo can't take a joke.

Staten Island politician's rant a YouTube hit


georgetheatheist said...

Rudy? Fred? Mitt?

Nah..it's obvious.

Jimmy Oddo for President! ... a guy with REAL balls!...where's the petition? I want to sign up.

Anonymous said...

God help us!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy sounds like fuckin' Tony Soprano.

Anonymous said...

Well, he is from Staten Island...

georgetheatheist said...

Are you kidding?

A bunch of European scum media vermin, under false pretexts, waste his and the taxpayers time?

I would have locked the door, called in some back-up, and ripped their tape out of their f.....g cameras.

Anonymous said...

Yes George, we all know they interrupted his hard work on wooden baseball bat legislation. Apparently, some manufacturers have been making them out of redwood, which is dangerous because the ball gets hit harder. It must be banned.

georgetheatheist said...

I would have used the bats on their camera. It would have been front page NY POST the next day.

Anonymous said...

Another Republican behaving morally. What a party! The Democrats should just sit back and let the party implode on its own.

Anonymous said...

Pseudo-journalist Stephen Colbert wouldn't dare ambush James Oddo.

georgetheatheist said...

Furthermore, my advice to Councilman Oddo: contact the NYC Police Department Press Office, the Bureau of Public Affairs, 13th floor, 1 Police Plaza and DEMAND that their press credentials be terminated...I'm sure you'll get vast support from your constituents and the citizenry at-large....These people were not engaging in legitimate news gathering and their credentials should be pulled...('Barack Obama is not an American citizen; Hillary Clinton's "cigar incident"'...are your serious?)...they should be declared "journalistic persona non grata"...If it causes an international incident, LET IT!...THIS kind of behavior is what John Peter Zenger and his lawyer Alexander Hamilton fought for?...American soldiers give their lives for freedom of the press not for abusing this venerable right....Michael Shenkler et al., your comments please.

Anonymous said...

Who said they had press passes?

georgetheatheist said...

10-1 they do.

Anonymous said...

usa usa usa

Anonymous said...

Looks like they made his Sicilian blood boil.

Jennifer said...

Let's face it, no matter how he reacted people would be commenting - what if he had agreed with this "reporters" comments about Obama?

I think his reaction was honest, he was obviously disgusted and angered by the questions and reacted. I say, cut the guy some slack.

Instead of the media focusing on him, how about they focus on how stupid this stunt was to begin with and put whoever was behind this on the chopping block.

Anonymous said...

Oddo is a man who cannot control himself. He has consistently demonstrated his preference for controlling others.

His hatred of the First Amendment was demonstrated when he hosted a public meeting (on our dime) and, along with his best buddy Gallagher, stopped citizens who had signed up to speak, from speaking.

His best buddy (Bubba) is Gallagher, another man with absolutely no self control, who inflicted himself on an elderly grandmother, and Oddo said he thought Gallagher was/is a great man.

Who has Oddo raped? Aside from people exercising their First Amendment rights - for which they need no "press pass" permission to exercise. Nor does any journalist need to kiss the ass of any politician. The politician is required to be smart enough and classy enough to outwit the attack journalists.

Oh! I forgot. To outwit another person, one needs to have a wit.

Anonymous said...

These are called practical jokes, people. The way Oddo reacted you'd think they tried to kill someone.

Queens Crapper said...

This was an Ali G/Borat type stunt and I say the crew got exactly what they were looking for. Why do you think they picked a nobody like Oddo to interview in the first place? Because he's known to fly off the handle.

Anonymous said...

"A bunch of European scum media vermin, under false pretexts, waste his and the taxpayers time"

Explain how granting an interview to foreign reporters wouldn't have wasted his or the taxpayers time if it wasn't a joke.

Anonymous said...

....what if he had agreed with this "reporters" comments about Obama?....

Well then he would really be stupid because she said African-Americans were not American citizens.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have that blond bent over a desk.

georgetheatheist said...

Taxpayer, "journalists"? These are "comedians" [sic] from a TV show called "Rickets Rost". Dig this "humor":

Oddo: "African-Americans are citizens of this country"
Audience: "Oh ha-ha-ho-ho"

Back to my previous post. Oddo should not demand the lifting of any press credentials - it would be too self-serving. Rather the NYC journalistic fraternity
should do this heavy lifting for him. These Norwegian rats are not members of the press and by this low-life incident are giving legitimate journalists a bad rap.

Anonymous said...

Oddo has become the comic relief of the city council....
like a rodeo clown....for good or bad.....
somebody with a camera will always follow him.

Now we all seem to forget....
that city government is really just one big
vaudeville variety show......
the producers being the developers......of course !

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
Taxpayer, "journalists"? These are "comedians" [sic] from a TV show called "Rickets Rost". Dig this "humor":

George, you are so right, so often - and far funnier than I could dream of - I must correct the above statement.

There is no definition of "journalist". If a comedian is hired by the NY Times to write a story of life as a comedian, is the person a comedian or a journalist?

If a comedian interviews a moronic, thug who is posing as a politician (oh, yeah, that's the definition of a politician in this city), and gets the story splashed over the media, written, video and cable, is the comedian a journalist?

There is no definition of a journalist. The greatest danger is that some thug moron, posing as a politician, will attempt to stifle the press by imposing a definition.

The humorless dolt from Staten Island was so anxious to be interviewed by a blond beauty for foreign consumption, that he never knew that it was him who was to be consumed.

The low-IQ, low-life probably thought he's get a bang out of the interview.

Remember, he's Gallagher's best friend.

Anonymous said...

Well, Gallagher and Oddo generally both treat women the same. The main difference between them is that getting tricked into an interview is what set Jimmy off and being an alcoholic is what sets Pinky off.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help it! That woman made my Sicilian blood boil!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that she's the type of woman that Dennis and Jimmy used to try to pick up at O'Neill's after a long day's work at Ognibene's.

Anonymous said...

This prank is too funny. I can totally understand why a councilman would get pissed off at a joke like this. He was under the impression that this was a legitimate interview. However, it was not, and made a mockery of him. I agree with what blogger georgetheatheist said that their press credientials should have been checked by his staff before agreeing to the interview.

Anonymous said...

What with this "press credentials" business? These days, anyone with experience and credibility can be a journalist. The Crapper is in some ways a more reliable source than the Tribune, Chronicle, and Courier.

georgetheatheist said...

I'd like to know under what PRETEXT did this Norwegian crew ask for the interview. Did they LIE to Oddo and his staff? If they did, they're not legit journalists in my book, not even comedians, but rather VERRRMMMINNNN who deserved this extermination.

Did you notice the look of disgust on his face when this European lowlife "used" Obama's race and Hillary's gender?

James Oddo: Champion of African-Americans and the dignity of Women!!!

georgetheatheist said...

"Cigars? Cigarettes? Cigarillos?"

BTW the are pretty s@#$y technicians to boot. Notice how throughout our hero's "tirade" their camera cut his f@#$g head off from view? ["Chef, vee-a not-ta reel-a news-a beeble"]

Close, you Norwegian rats, but NO cigar. [Easy, Jim, I didn't mean it THAT way.]

Anonymous said...

Really, some idiot comes in, wastes my time in an effort to be the new Ali G (who is an idiot himself) and they would have gotten alot more then a few "F-bombs"

Im glad I voted for him :)

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