Friday, October 12, 2007

Hevesi sons under microscope

More members of the Hevesi political dynasty are finding themselves in hot water this week as state investigators widen the scope of their probe into the family’s allegedly illicit financial dealings.

The state attorney general is demanding that a business owned by former Forest Hills lawmaker Daniel Hevesi turn over financial records on suspicion that they might reveal improper business ties with his father, the former Comptroller Alan Hevesi.

Hevesi’s Son Implicated In Probe

The guilty plea quickly spurred further investigations by both Cuomo and Albany County’s district attorney, David Soares. Since then, the separate probes have implicated a slew of other friends and relatives — including Hevesi’s younger son, Forest Hills Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi.

Investigators began looking deeper into the assembylman’s campaign records earlier this year after uncovering political contributions from investment firms in which Alan Hevesi had invested millions of dollars in pension funds.


Anonymous said...

Katz, how clean are your hands?

Have you been questioned?

Have documents been requested yet?

Anonymous said...

cuomo seems to be keeping busy. Maybe he isn't such a dud after all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's why Andy doesn't show up at any meetings anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Como for assembly.

Anonymous said...

Like father, like son. Book 'em!

Anonymous said...

"The sins of the fathers
are visited upon the sons" !

The (rotten) apple (s) doesn't fall far from the tree !

Anonymous said...

Anthony "the Future" Como

Anonymous said...

The blame rests on the voters, who elect these self-serving political dynasties. Some republic we have become!

Anonymous said...

the voting idiots have elected and re-elected
that scum of a Stavisky dynasty....
believing all the BS that they've been
putting out for years
that they're champions of their constituents !

If they ever catch that gang
with their political pants (and skirts) down some day....
they might be joining Brian Mc Lughlin (their boy)
somewhere less cozy.

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