Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Gabe on Mike

WNBC Senior Correspondent Gabe Pressman has been around for a long time. And he's not afraid to tell Mayor Bloomberg exactly what he thinks about him.

"The mayor's conduct is tawdry. As the chief executive of New York City he has sworn to uphold the Constitution and the laws. Apparently, the First Amendment, which protects freedom of the press, is not one of the mayor's highest priorities."

Mayor Bloomberg's Problem: Chutzpah

"I value what Bloomberg has done for New York, in bringing us closer to fiscal stability and reforming government practices that needed reforming. I admire his efforts to support charities.

But he is an arrogant man. He wants to control the press. He has no regard for dissenting voices. He has proved that again and again."

See, it's not just community groups that Bloomberg wants to silence.


georgetheatheist said...

And don't forget the women that Bloomberg LLP has harassed.

Anonymous said...

He even set his CAU commish's dogs
on the community....
because he disagreed with a certain political cartoon
that was displayed at a civic rally.

Anonymous said...

In any totalitarian government....
a dictator's first move is to stifle free speech
and control the news media!

Heil Bloomberg !

Anonymous said...

To say that Mayor Mike is "aloof"
is a gross understatement.

He is a bullying coward....
who first appears to come on strong
with his demands
but after he's been beaten down
by public opinion....
he swiftly runs back to his royal dog house
with his tail between his legs!

I wonder if he cries on his lover's shoulder .

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is a truly dangerous man...
hiding his avarice behind a screen of banality.

If he had his way...he'd buy America....
at least maybe the presidency!

H-m-m-m.....we'll see.
The rest of our anti Semitic nation
isn't going to see a "whiny, short New York Jew"
as a serious candidate....
regardless of Mike's great wealth.

Anonymous said...

Gabe said: "I value what Bloomberg has done for New York, in bringing us closer to fiscal stability and reforming government practices that needed reforming. ... "

Mussolini made the "trains run on time", not exactly the highest of priorities.

Bloomberg brought us "closer" to (not exactly "up to") fiscal stability. No other citizen could have accomplished that?

This Stalinist actually believes that he can trample the laws and the Constitution with impunity. That's what makes him dangerous. That's what will bring his downfall.

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