Friday, October 5, 2007

The farm at John Bowne High School

Although some might question the real-world benefits of city kids learning how to plow land, harvest trout and raise chickens, the students said there were many practical aspects to the program, such as the business and marketing side of selling their wares.

There are also the real-life biology lessons, and the plant-filled greenhouse.


Students spend two of their four years working year-round on the farm, which in addition to producing apples, raspberries and collard greens is also home to chickens, goats and alpacas.

It dates back to 1917 and sits behind the school, which opened in 1964.

While the produce has been sold for years at the school store and at a stand outside, yesterday marked the first collaboration between the city's Office of School Food and Nutrition Services and the young Johnny Appleseeds.

Photo from NY Post


Anonymous said...

getting youngsters to tend gardens might get them to have respect for the environment and disdain for developers set on ruining it.

Anonymous said...

We met them at the Queens County Fair at the farm out in Glenn Oaks. It was awesome. The kids loved it and my JHS-ers are interested.

Anonymous said...

there are some benefits but that program is hogging all the resources of the school. the downside clearly out-weighs the benefits... rooms, vehicles, money, support, and land... all which could be used by all of the other various groups and programs in the school are being given to the agriculture department.

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