Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Double digits

This house is on Cromwell Crescent in Rego Park. Notice how there are 2 addresses on one regular sized house. Only 64-14 is a valid address. Anyone have any ideas on why they'd have two?


Anonymous said...

Note the cheesy aluminum fence on the second floor landing... care to hazard a guess as to which group they may come from?... hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Al Quida cell in the other?

Thank you clubhouse.

No wonder Hillary is flip floppen on the war.

You can't criticize the tweeded, your constituents.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't jump to conclusions about the stainless railings.

We can see who owns the property because it is public information. Hmmm. That's strange. It appears the owner receives mail at a Florida address? But it is listed as an A-1 dwelling?

DOB, please look into this if you are so inclined. Or not.

Anonymous said...

maybe I'd be willing to go have a look at the place if you slipped me a few hundred.

Anonymous said...

Not a problem, it is worth it. Meet us at 64-14 Cromwell Crescent. (It doesn't matter which)

Anonymous said...

Oh my......
I'm shocked to find
an illegal residence (?).......
with a blatant second address.....maybe.......

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