Friday, October 5, 2007

Corona profiled by AM-NY

AM-NY's photos of Corona are surprising short on crap. I mean, if there were a top 5 "neighborhoods full of Queens Crap" list, Corona would definitely make the cut.

City Living: Corona, Queens

Photo from AM-NY


Anonymous said...

All they'd have to do is drive down Corona Avenue. The entire street is full of crap now.

Anonymous said...

When the city publishes a map of noise complaints, I always find it amusing that Corona ranks near the bottom.

Now we know that hispanic communities are called 'lively' for a good measure because of the gunk-thugga gunk-thugga gunk-thugga music that pours out of speakers.

So we conclude that the good residents of Corona don't complain becuase loud gunk-thugga is part of their culture.

Needless to say, they now expect it to be part of ours. And with support of the clubhouse, the tweeded knows that there is nothing we can do about it.

Anonymous said...

I would invite anyone who wants to see the future that Toby and Gary and Crowley and their ilk expect for Queens to drive through Corona at night under the el.

Take along Hillary, who wasted public funds extolling the virtures of the 'international express.'

Anonymous said...

Three places to avoid:

1) Flushing

2) Jamaica

3) Corona

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