Thursday, October 11, 2007

CB5, CAU, DEP runnin' scared!

My friend at a major city paper called to tell me that the secret CB5/DEP/CAU meeting scheduled for tonight has been moved from the community room at Atlas Park to an even more clandestine location - the offices of the Department of Environmental Protection at Lefrak City. This apparently was a last minute decision made out of fear that the masses of the great unwashed might show up and ruin the dog-and-pony show. Members of the press and public will reportedly NOT be allowed past security. What the hell is going on in western Queens? Why is CB2 holding a public forum with DEP and CB5 is meeting with them behind closed doors? Why all the secrecy? Could it be local political interference? Hmmm...


Anonymous said... mean to tell me that former reporter and current CAU Queens director Jennifer Manley is in on this?

Anonymous said...

That's disgusting. I remember back in the 80's when the Glastnost policy in the USSR was adopted. I think that concept needs to come to Queens.

Anonymous said...

This sounds incredibly fishy. I wonder if this was orchestrated so that Queens Ledge publisher Walt Sanchez, Vice Chair of CB5, can get the scoop?

Anonymous said...

Let's see - 3 city agencies meeting behind closed doors - doesn't this violate the sunshine law?

Anonymous said...

What secrets are they discussing that they have to keep both the press and the public out of the meeting?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Manley should be ashamed of herself. It's a good thing she quit reporting and found something that allows her to practice her brand of hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

say, move aside there and let me see what you're looking at through that peephole.

Oh, it's only some fellow politicians of mine. For a moment there I thought you were eyeballing naked chicks!

Anonymous said...

HA! You guys are probably throwing a fit because the JPCA weren't invited. Wasn't the JPCA the civic that requested an exclusive meeting with the Mayor's office just a few weeks back?

Let me guess, if bobby cant play in the sand box with the other kids, NO ONE CAN.

Am i right?

Anonymous said...

Let's all take mayor mikey's suggestion back from the recent snowstorm parking fiasco:

If you don't like it, call 311 and make a complaint.

The city is accountable to the taxpaying public - not community boards, property owners associations or whatever. The city needs to be reminded of this. When major disasters occur due largely to their neglience, the very least they owe the people is a public forum. But the only public forum this cowardly administration sees fit to give the people is 311. so LETS USE IT.. Make separate calls to complain about each agency - DEP, CB5, DEP, Controllers office. Tell this a$$hole administration and the our 3rd grade educated "community leaders" from queens that this is unacceptable. Tell them multiple times.

Anonymous said...

The Juniper Park Civic Association was invited to this meeting and is sending 2 representatives.

The JPCA meeting that CAU & DEP was invited to and declined to attend was open to the public.

Anonymous said...

The stench is overwhelming!

CB5, Manley and the CAU, DEP, Commissar, what are you hiding?

Are you hiding the fact that the indicted rapist is giving you instructions to follow?

Secret government meetings are illegal.

Anonymous said...

First, the Bloomberg administration will never tell the truth about the flooding. Are we to believe that it never rained hard in Queens before? That's absurd! Here's the truth: the reason why we are all flooding has to do the floodgates and the nitrogen and other waste that is released in to the water around the City especially Jamaica Bay. During a normal rainstorm the holding tanks can accommodate the regular sewage and the rain at the same time. During a heavy storm the city (in the past) always opened the gates letting the untreated sewage along with the quickly accumulating rainwater escape into the ocean. Now the environmentalists are holding the floodgates closed to prevent sewage from being released without being treated, because of this the water in the sewers are rising during a heavy storm and we are flooding. If anyone goes on line and does a little research they will see the truth. But the most telling tale is that no one from any Government agency is speaking about this. This is why we are flooding and that the meeting tonight is just a big waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Gary Giordiano is a piece of crap. Get rid of the community board. their located in Ridgewood and only care about Ridgewood.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Manley is doing the bidding of the indicted rapist sexual predator, Dennis P. Gallagher. FOIL info, phone records and email from their offices.

Anonymous said...

Walter "Lien on Me" Sanchez was at the meeting. Which civic association does he represent? The guy is a crook. He cheated his workers out of their social security $ money. He deducted their Social Security from their paycheck but never sent it to the government. This went on for 5 years. There are other horror stories. Check out, Dept. of Finance.

This is the guy they have on the community board? He should be in jail.

Anonymous said...

Time to sue the community board
for violating the sunshine laws!

Time to move any public protests to the steps of
borough hall........where it's more visible.......
and make a move against this type of clandestine activity as is practiced by many of the community boards.

Maybe it's time to move all demos in front of
Mayor Mike's townhouse!

Anonymous said...

For a bunch of thugs calling themselves "Democrats"
the Queens machine clubhouse
certainly loves its closed door meetings !

Anonymous said...

OK, OK, Everybody, calm down.

I've learned the reason for the secret meeting, protected by armed guards:

CAU, DEP and CB5 did not want to let the news in that it was raining heavily again and that the flooding was repeated.

They weren't hiding from the public. They were hiding from the facts.

Anonymous said...

Nobody's "holding the floodgates closed." That's ridiculous. you get flooding when it rains too quickly for the sewers to drain. Some other flooding has gotten worse because of the lack of groundwater pumping now that the Jamaica Water Supply Company is out of business. But no one is "holding the floodgates closed" to protect Jamaica Bay or any other body of water.

If they did that then the sewage treatement plants would be overwhelmed and rendered inoperable, and the city would be subject to huge fines under the Clean Water Act.

Nice theory -- next time try some facts.

Anonymous said...

70 % of the city rainwater mixes with waste in the same sewers before entering the treatment plant. 30 % percent drains directly into the ocean through separate sewers. The 70% waste and water must be treated at the plant before being released; holding the water and waste for approximately six hours and treating the mixture does this. If it rains too hard and to fast the city must lift the gates prematurely and they are fined according to the Clean Water Act. I don’t think the fining is the issue as much as trying to stop the pollution. But someone in the administration is making those decisions based on their own reasons and we are suffering. I am not surprised and would expect you to deny these facts. The Jamaica Water Supply Company closing along with the groundwater holding tanks are not connected to this flooding problem.

Anonymous said...

Why would you "expect me to deny" these so-called "facts?" You don't know me or what interest I may have in the subject. That would be like me saying that I expect you to order the red sauce instead of the white on your linguini, even though I don't know you from Adam. What basis would I have for saying that?

Listen carefully: The city does not get fined for overflows from its combined sewers. If it did then every city on the northeast coast would be paying fines up the wazoo whenever it rained. It would however have to pay massive fines if it "kept the floodgates closed" because the result would be flooded out sewage treatment plants that would cease to function and would violate both the Clean Water Act and the State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits the city holds from the state to operate those plants.

"Groundwater holding tanks?" What the heck are those?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I mispoke, meant to say wells not holding tanks, anyway believe what you like.

Anonymous said...

with all that raw sewerage going into it the ocean is like one big cesspool.

Anonymous said...

How can you say that they want to avoid the public when the DEP, CAU and FEMA are all going to be at a public meeting in Middle Village this Tuesday night?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"How can you say that they want to avoid the public when the DEP, CAU and FEMA are all going to be at a public meeting in Middle Village this Tuesday night?"

Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer. If nothing else, you are so transparent. Exactly when was it arranged that all these responsible alphabeters would finally meet the public on Tuesday?

Before you reply: We already know the answer. There are no secrets.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Manley has been caught on audio tape. Wait until you hear her plotting. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Joey the Hut will again make an appearance for the greater good of Gallagher. It will be a limited run however.

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