8 hurt as container falls from New York building
The accident occurred at about 1 p.m. when a metal container used to haul debris unlatched from a crane atop a 55-story office building under construction at 1111 Sixth Ave., fire officials said. Both fire and Buildings Department officials said the building is a future home for Bank of America.
The city Buildings Department, which is investigating the accident, ordered all work stopped at the site though inspectors found the crane and the building "structurally sound," a spokeswoman said.
A Hail of Debris Injures 8 in Midtown
Photo from NY Sun
This construction site has had problems before. Last March 13th there was another incident at that site. Had something to do with the crane. No one was hurt then, but the subways service on the #7 line terminated at Grand Central and was suspended into Times Square. I had to walk on 42nd Street past the site. Traffic was a mess with lots of Fire and Police activity. Made me late for a memorial service.
could be a harbinger for a....heh....heh...heh....
falling (and about to fail) financial market .
Anticipating phase #2 of the sub prime collapse....
still pending!
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