Thursday, August 16, 2007

Crappy's journey

To be continued...


georgetheatheist said...

Hey Crappie, what you got in the box? The nuclear war-head codes? Har-har-har-dee-har-har!

Anonymous said...

It looks like Crappy is headed eastbound
to take a dump in Flushing!

Hold it in until you get there old buddy.....
then make your deposit on the floor of C.M. John Liu's district office.

Anonymous said...

that picture is old, i thought they retired all the red 7 trains.

Anonymous said...

Please feel free to fart
until you've reached your "destination of choice".

The "aroma' wafting from the Flushing Creek
will more than cover up your expulsion!

Anonymous said...

I'm about to burst with suspense! Just get to the end!

But, if it's all just about taking that dump, I'll wait for the news over here.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's going to TDC/CB#7 to see a preview of Wellington Point and the new Citi Field.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Crappy does look like he's got a case of the cramps.

He'd better not stop for a bite in Flushing.....
or he'll surely get the runs!

Anybody for stir fried "mystery meat" and Bok Choy
in a nice hot garlic sauce.

Queens Crapper said...

It's my laptop, George.

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