Friday, June 8, 2007

Will Blvd of Death be renamed for Manton?

Community Board 2 will consider renaming 20 blocks of Queens Boulevard through Sunnyside and Woodside in honor of former Congressman Thomas Manton.

CB 2 may rename blvd. in honor of Manton

Sunnyside district leaders Deirdre Feerick and John Smythe, who proposed the "Manton Mile," said there were too many locations in the neighborhood with ties to the Democrat to limit the renaming to one street.


Anonymous said...

Boss Tom already has a post office with his name on it. Enough. This man's reign was anything but democratic. Manton's County Party Organization routinely knocked candidates off the ballot, resulting in unchallenged primary incumbents.

Anonymous said...

That post office is a shithole. A fitting tribute.

Anonymous said...

The "Boulevard of Death" is also a fitting consideration!

Just take a good look at Manton's posted "mug shot" resembles the corrupt "Picture of Dorian Gray"!

Manton's Mob killed democracy in Queens by rigging candidates for office and stifling any real healthy political opposition!

Result....."The Democratic Party Machine Dictatorship of Queens"!

Anonymous said...

"This man's reign was anything but democratic. Manton's County Party Organization routinely knocked candidates off the ballot, resulting in unchallenged primary incumbents."

Hey, what a great lesson for the kiddies in civics, eh?

While we are at it, lets rename 'Queens' to 'Tweeds'!

Anonymous said...

How about... The Manes Mile for...

the Rue de Mort!

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of the clubhouse out to lunch. Just go to one of their functions, a bunch of smug self satisfied 70 somethings dressed like its the 1980s giving each other plaques till the wee hours of the morning.

Interboro named for Robinson (who had nothing to do with it), Yellowstone Blvd (dating from colonial times named for Van Arsdale), Hell Gate Park named for D'Marco (Ralph who?) etc etc

Other suggestions:

Grand Central: Parkside Lane
The Alley: The Liu
Auburndale: Ackermandale
Kew Gardens: Katz Gardens
Forest Park: Pinky Park

Any other suggestions?

Anonymous said...

The politicians are both puzzled and unsettled that they lost the battle on Sunnyside Gardens.

Perhaps, like a cat spraying a yard, they can put their stamp on the community anyways.

Anonymous said...

what, Jackie wasn't the first black guy to drive the Interboro? I dig Jackie but that renaming ** is ** ridiculous, good call... it's also typical symbolic naming in lieu of doing something substantive for poorer blacks... like, well, things are still lousy in Brownsville & East New York but hey, the Jackie Robinson is there (well, Cypress Hills, really).

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer to see all that energy used toward something more useful, say, perhaps, finding ways to deter drivers from plowing at full speed into pedestrians (like one idiot did yesterday).

Anonymous said...

Is it true????? that when Manton was a cop???.....he was in a bar and (it is alleged) someone managed to get a hold of his service revolver and shot somebody with it???

Then Manton fled the scene??? Is that true....because it sounds a little far-fetched to me???

Shortly after (maybe ???) he was offered a retirement option ?????

Has anyone out there got some info on this old rumor ???? Let's put this to rest, once and for all!!!

There's an old saying, however,.......St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland and they went to New York and became policeman"!

So where does a NYC ex-cop go when he's out of the force.....into politics , of course!!!!

Some actually become county bosses.....the king-makers of the political machine!!!

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