Monday, June 11, 2007

Welcome to our world, part 2

"There are 154,000 people living in this area, and I don't think [anyone] can remember what it was like to be able to walk down to the river," said Kent L. Barwick, president of the Municipal Art Society. "River access has been sealed off for decades."

Residents push to open up East River waterfront

So, Manhattan, you're feeling cut off from the waterfront? Well, we in Queens have also experienced that for decades, and with all the private development taking place along our shores now, it's only going to get worse for us.

The society organized a meeting of top architects last week to come up with a plan for the stretch of waterfront running from East 34th to 63rd streets. There is currently no way for pedestrians or cyclists to access this part of the city...

For greenspace, a deck over FDR?

That structure would extend over the highway from an existing ConEd site — slated for redevelopment — with a “forested hill” surrounding an existing ventilation shaft at 42nd Street. It would then connect to the waterfront via a six-story glass “pylon.” On the water’s edge would be a ferry terminal, restaurant, amphitheater and sports fields.

Plan Envisions Park Along East River

So when will the Municipal Art Society visit this side of the river and demand the same for us?

Never? Oh, ok, just checking.

Photo from AM-NY


Anonymous said...

Oh......I don't know about you guys at the Municipal Ass Society......My 80 foot yacht gives me access to the waterfront any time I wish!

Anonymous said...

Our lack of waterfront access is just more of the wonderful legacy of Robert Moses. He spent billions of taxpayer dollars to destroy neighborhoods and create a city that caters to commuters with cars, not residents.

We all live with the sad legacy, and it would take billions of dollars and decades to undo a fraction of what he wrought. I don't think any of us will live long enough to see waterfront access restored to the neighborhoods of Queens and Brooklyn. Yeah, Manhattan access wouldn't be my first choice, but at least it is a start.

By the way, to see a city where waterfront access is being done well, take a look at Chicago's Riverwalk. They are currently soliciting a wide range of vendors including carts, kiosks, trailers, and permanent facilities to provide food & beverages, retail merchandise, sporting, entertainment and recreation.

All along the riverfront, all connected to the same patheway, all accessible to pedestrians. If only we could do that here.

Anonymous said...

The quote is from the Municipal Art Society's spin-off the Metropolitian Waterfront Alliance East River Agenda:

"Waterfront Access: Although New York City has more than 532 miles of shoreline, too many residents are strangers to it -- a reversal of our history as a city centered on maritime activity -- because industry, highways and other infrastructure block public access to the water."

On several occasions groups suggested private development be added before the words 'other infrastructure.'

That did not happen.

Nor did information on the drive for waterfront parkland in Manhattan be communicated to the other side of the river as a possible viable option for their communities.

Once again, yet another Manhattan-centric organization let us down.

Need we add that HDC is also a spin-off of MAS?

Does anyone see a pattern developing?

Anonymous said...

What are you complaing about?

We can read the local papers and they will provide us with all the news that our betters think we need to know.

Anonymous said...

God you are a bitter blogger. I liked it better when you just showed pictures of Fedders buildings.

Move to Nassau already.

Queens Crapper said...

Why should I move? I'd rather stay and fight for my hometown, not like the rest of those before me that fled to Mineola, Lynbrook, etc. leaving us with this mess.

Anonymous said...

When people say you should move, I always say you will never find 1965, anywhere.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how the offspring of all those "White flight" era people who moved to Nassau County years ago are desperately wanting to move back into Queens!

Hey "MOVE"'s time that you moved your bowels....the poisons have backed up into your system and blocked up your mental processes, I'm afraid!!!!!

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