Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Oh mama, not Obama!

Have you gotten caught up in Obama fever yet? Well, hold on, not so fast!

Obama dogged by ties to developer

Sixteen years ago, Chicago businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko tried to hire bright young Harvard law student Barack Obama to work in his real estate development company...Obama said no, but it was the start of a political friendship...

Rezko contributed thousands of dollars and raised thousands more as Obama ran for the Illinois legislature, the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate. He was even involved in Obama's purchase of a family home.

Photo by AP/Elaine Thompson


Anonymous said...

Check out Harper's magazine cover story about him last year.

This fellow is a ringer for the big boys.

He would have never gotten nearly as far as he did if that was not so. Afterall, platitudes can only get you so far.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he reminds me of the prodeveloper preacher - Taylor - who is encouraging his trusting flock (with the newspapers and politicians behind him) to go along with making the waterfront a haven for rich white people.

A real credible fellow if we believe what we read. He has gotten far so far, eh?

I love politics!!

Anonymous said...

Governance in the United States of America is vastly complex.... to say the least.

I don't buy Obama's simplistic solutions.

I've been suspicious of his naive "fix-all" approach from the very start (not that I have much respect for his political opponents either) !

Every politician is owned by someone or some group.....the question to be answered is who!!!

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